Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Employee Selection Process

Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Employee Selection Process

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8942-0.ch015
(Individual Chapters)
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To remain successful and competitive, organizations must have the ability to change, grow, and evolve to meet the new challenges and realities they face. The field of human resources management has changed significantly over time and continues to develop rapidly day by day. While organizations still primarily focus on the “people” aspects of running an organization, they have also become increasingly dependent on technology and data that weren't available just a decade ago. In this respect, the role of technology in the efficient and effective maintenance of human resource management practices in businesses is an undeniable fact. In this study, artificial intelligence technology, which is one of the most advanced technologies today and has a symbiotic relationship with human resources management, and the effect of this technology on human resources management practices are examined benefiting from the recent literature.
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Technological developments that emerged with the fourth industrial revolution had a significant impact on the business world, and the role of technology in the business world began to increase gradually. Today, machines can communicate with each other, robots play an active role in production, and at the same time, a technology called artificial intelligence is trying to replace the human brain. In this way, the way of doing business is changing radically, both businesses and employees are trying to keep up with this change, and those who can't keep up with the change face the danger of extinction. At this point, the human resources department is the unit that takes the necessary steps for both businesses and employees to adapt to this change, calculates the necessary scenarios, organizes the necessary trainings, and undertakes many other vital tasks. Thanks to the HRM activities carried out by this department, businesses and employees quickly acquire the knowledge, skills and equipment required by the age and keep up with the change. Success of human resources management is closely related to the fact that the human resources department follows technology closely, acquires the necessary equipment and methods in a timely manner, and leads change. At this point, all HRM activities, from employee selection to employee training and development, should be carried out with the most advanced and efficient equipment and methods (Turk, Vardarlier, & Hazar, 2020).

Today, there are many technologies that concern HRM. These technologies play an active role especially in the process of finding, evaluating, and recruiting workforce, providing assistance and mentoring services to the employees, and are frequently used in the training and development activities of the employees. To increase their qualifications, the human resources units of the enterprises follow the latest technologies brought by the day and seek ways to benefit from these technologies in the most effective way. Among these technologies, one of the most popular and useful today is artificial intelligence. Human resources managers of enterprises use artificial intelligence technologies to facilitate difficult functions in collecting accurate data about personnel and work process, in training and hiring employees, in the orientation process and in evaluating the performance of employees (Silahtaroglu & Vardarlier, 2016).

Artificial intelligence algorithms first select the candidates that they think are the most suitable for the determined job from certain candidate pools in line with the criteria specified by the business, and present a list to the recruiter, as well as presenting to the recruiter what he considered while making this choice, with short and summary notes. In this process, artificial intelligence can be commanded to act objectively or to give priority to a certain race, gender, age group. In addition, artificial intelligence can manage and report the entire interview with the job applicant or enter the interview together with the recruiter and instantly report the results of voice, mimic and body language analyzes made during the interview. Ultimately, the recruiter who comes to a report that has been evaluated, screened, and has many analyzes performed by artificial intelligence can focus more heavily on his experience, abilities, and skills in recruiting because he does not have to do many jobs that require time, energy, and effort (Budhwar et al., 2022).

One of the most important purposes of the cooperation between human and artificial intelligence or smart machines is to transfer the tasks that the workforce frequently encounters in daily life, which require operations, which are constantly repetitive, which are not difficult to do but take a long time to be done, to artificial intelligence or smart machines. In addition, artificial intelligence, or smart machines act as an excellent assistant for the workforce. Thanks to their superior features, these technologies can perform operations at an incredible speed, do not forget anything, never get tired, and can correlate data at a perfect level. In general terms, artificial intelligence technologies are like a toolbox for HRM applications (Pan, et al., 2022). Therefore, the use of these technologies by the workforce allows to increase the quality of the work done and the workforce doing the work. In this respect, attitudes towards artificial intelligence are very important in terms of HRM practices.

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