Leadership Learning and Leadership Coaching for Government Leaders in Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, and Technology

Leadership Learning and Leadership Coaching for Government Leaders in Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, and Technology

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 36
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1970-3.ch003
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In this era of rapid technological advancement, government leaders must expertly navigate intricate policies, including artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and telehealth. Proficiency in these domains is paramount, requiring a steadfast commitment to enhancing leadership competencies. By investing in executive coaching and holistic leadership development, government agencies can proactively tackle modern challenges. This study, grounded in descriptive phenomenology, examines 22 thematic motifs, unveiling the effectiveness of leadership coaching for government leaders managing complex technologies and addressing pivotal policy issues in artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and telehealth.
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Over the past decade, we have witnessed an extraordinary technological revolution in various domains, including smart learning, and the operational paradigms of organizations. This transformative wave was driven by the advent of smartphones and tablets, marking the nascent stage of the big data era. Cloud computing, once an experimental concept, now plays a pivotal role in shaping our digital landscape. As we anticipate more life-altering innovations on the horizon, it has become evident that archaic technical systems and approaches within the federal government have led to frustration among both employees and the American public. Now, more than ever, there is an urgent need for a paradigm shift in policy design and implementation, coupled with the infusion of artificial intelligence, digital, technological, and innovation expertise into federal government agencies.

  • Policy Revolution: Virtually every national priority hinges on a precise, comprehensive, and contemporary comprehension of how to harness and leverage modern technology. Federal policies and programs that underpin the welfare of American citizens, including crucial domains like Medicare and national defense, are intricately interwoven with digital services and information technology platforms. Looking to the future, the cornerstone policies of any administration will invariably be influenced by, if not fundamentally contingent upon, the dynamics of existing and emergent technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning. Crafting and executing these policies without active involvement of technologists at the decision-making table would be a grave omission.

  • Digital Empowerment: The federal government must markedly enhance its capacity to deliver services to the public in a digital format. Veterans should be able to conveniently access their benefits through online and mobile channels. The successful rollout of the next-generation air traffic system should occur on schedule and within the allocated budget. Furthermore, government agencies must ensure that their systems and data remain impervious to the ever-looming cyber threats. Regrettably, we have witnessed numerous instances where significant federal information technology projects either failed or fell short of expectations, often incurring substantial costs.

  • Championing Innovation: Some of the most monumental innovations in the United States have been pioneered by federal institutions, spanning domains such as space exploration and the establishment of the patent system. In order for the government to furnish top-tier services, it must continually experiment with and adopt fresh practices, methodologies, and technologies, particularly those that have demonstrated effectiveness in other sectors. The innovations of the forthcoming decades, encompassing realms like automation, artificial intelligence, bioengineering, quantum computing, and novel materials, will surpass the breakthroughs of the past. Therefore, it is imperative to ensure that the federal government continues to formulate policies that champion the positive facets of innovation, mitigate associated risks, and fortify the nation's leadership in technology.

In essence, the demand for adept technical managers who embody effective leadership traits has never been more pressing. Government leaders bear the responsibility of efficiently managing vast sums of taxpayer funds and resources (White, 2016). Effective and judicious leadership, combined with sound managerial decision-making acumen, is pivotal in guaranteeing the appropriate and efficient utilization of these resources. The landscape of government management is in a perpetual state of flux, characterized by dynamic changes (Goldsmith & Levensaler, 2016). These transformations pose formidable challenges to the essence and impact of leadership decision-making and leadership development (Goldring, 2015; White, 2016). As we journey into the future, the intersection of technology and governance necessitates visionary leadership capable of navigating uncharted waters and steering the course towards a more technologically empowered and resilient government.

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