Integrating City Logistics Strategies With Resource-Based Theory for Sustainable Urban Logistics

Integrating City Logistics Strategies With Resource-Based Theory for Sustainable Urban Logistics

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 31
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3575-8.ch010
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This chapter seeks to explore the potential synergy between city logistics strategies and the resource-based view (RBV) theory from the field of strategic management to enhance the sustainability of urban logistics systems. The RBV theory emphasizes the role of unique resources and capabilities in achieving competitive advantage. By applying this theory to urban logistics, the study aims to identify how strategic resource allocation and utilization can contribute to more sustainable urban logistics operations. Employing a case study approach, this research will examine real-world urban logistics systems and their alignment with RBV principles. The chapter analyzes how urban logistics entities leverage their distinctive resources and capabilities to design and implement sustainable logistics practices. The findings will shed light on how businesses, policymakers, and urban planners can collaboratively develop and implement strategies that harness available resources to create sustainable urban logistics solutions.
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1. Introduction

Urbanization has led to unprecedented challenges in the management of logistics and transportation within cities. As cities grow in population and economic activities, the efficient movement of goods becomes increasingly complex, leading to congestion, pollution, and resource depletion. The impact of inefficient urban logistics systems extends beyond traffic congestion; it affects air quality, energy consumption, and the overall quality of life for city dwellers. As a result, the concept of sustainable urban logistics has emerged as a critical consideration for city planners, policymakers, and businesses alike (Hong, Zhan & Lau, 2022).

Sustainable urban logistics entails the development of strategies and solutions that optimize the flow of goods while minimizing the negative environmental, social, and economic impacts on urban areas. Traditional logistics models are no longer viable in densely populated and environmentally sensitive urban environments (Akkartal & Mızrak, 2023). The urgency to address urban logistics challenges is underscored by the need to ensure the well-being of urban residents, reduce carbon emissions, and maintain economic competitiveness (Russo & Pellicanò, 2019).

The Resource-Based View (RBV) theory, rooted in strategic management, emphasizes the importance of identifying and leveraging an organization's unique resources and capabilities to gain a competitive advantage. The theory suggests that a firm's sustained competitive advantage lies in its ability to harness valuable, rare, inimitable, and non-substitutable resources. While RBV has been predominantly applied in the context of business strategy, its principles hold the potential to shape sustainable urban logistics practices (Chatterjee et al., 2023). The integration of City Logistics strategies, which focus on optimizing urban freight transportation, and RBV theory could offer a novel approach to address urban logistics challenges more effectively.

This study seeks to explore the synergies between City Logistics strategies and the Resource-Based View theory to enhance urban logistics sustainability. The research problem can be summarized as follows: How can the integration of City Logistics strategies and RBV theory contribute to the development of more sustainable urban logistics solutions? By investigating the alignment between these two frameworks, the study aims to provide insights into the potential strategies that urban logistics stakeholders can adopt to achieve a higher level of sustainability in their operations.

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