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What is Application Programming Interface (API)

Leveraging Digital Innovation for Governance, Public Administration, and Citizen Services: Emerging Research and Opportunities
Routines developed to allow two software programs to communicate with each other.
Published in Chapter:
A Framework for Longitudinal Analysis of University Spin-Offs
Fernando Almeida (INESC TEC, Faculty of Engineering, Oporto University, Portugal) and Eugénio Cunha (INESC TEC, Faculty of Engineering, Oporto University, Portugal)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5412-7.ch001
The creation of university spin-offs plays a fundamental role in the technology transfer process between universities and the business field. Universities have developed for themselves internal processes within their technology transfer offices in order to collect this information. However, this data is only available locally and often outdated. Furthermore, the number of frameworks that allow the study and simultaneously access to this data in an integrated way is still small on a global scale, and in Portugal, there isn't a repository which contains this information. This study proposes the establishment of a framework for longitudinal analysis that could identify and characterize the evolution and performance of Portuguese university spin-offs. The repository is built exclusively in open source technologies and offers the potential to characterize and analyze the evolution and performance of university spin-offs in different perspectives, such as individual factors; organizational factors; institutional factors; and scientific, educational, and commercial outputs.
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5G Network Programmability Enabling Industry 4.0 Transformation
Is a set of rules, protocols, and tools for building software applications. APIs define how different software components should interact with each other, allowing for the exchange of data and functionality between different applications or systems. They provide a layer of abstraction between software components, making it easier for developers to create software that can work seamlessly with other applications or services.
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Design of a Blockchain-Powered Biometric Template Security Framework Using Augmented Sharding
It simplify software development and innovation by enabling applications to exchange data and functionality easily and securely.
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Digital Knowledge Transfer for Banks: From a Lean Data Management Perspective
Mechanisms enable two or more computer software or programs to communicate with each other.
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The Path to FinTech Development Research on Islamic Finance in Turkey
The interface covers a set of routines, protocols, and tools in order to run software applications. Chiefly, an API defines a specification for the interfaces used by software components and indicates how software parts should communicate with each other through allowing transfer of data between applications. The interface consists of items for routines, data structures, object classes, and variables. These specifications enable other programmers to use components of existing software, allowing for faster and more reliable software development.
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Non-Technological and Technological (SupTech) Innovations in Strengthening the Financial Supervision
Definitions, protocols and tools that determine the way various applications interact with each other.
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Artificial Intelligence in the Delivery of Mobile Tourism Services
A set of standardized requests that allow different computer programs to communicate with each other.
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Concerns and Challenges of Cloud Platforms for Bioinformatics
An API specifies how software components interact in terms of its operations, inputs, outputs, and underlying types in a way that is independent of their respective implementations. APIs allows software developers to build programs as a set of building blocks whose functionality is provided by their corresponding APIs.
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Using Online Digital Data to Infer Valuable Skills for the Modern Workforce
A set of functions that allows building and integrating applications’ software.
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Online Social Networks Misuse, Cyber Crimes, and Counter Mechanisms
It is an intermediate software that enables two applications to speak to each other. You're using an API any time while using an app like Facebook, sending an instant message, or monitoring the weather on your screen. As a consumer, you just observe one interface; however, in the background, numerous applications are cooperating utilizing APIs.
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A Survey on Computer Programming Learning Environments
A set of uniform programming interfaces for building software and applications.
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The Use of Geolocalized Social Networks Information to Guide and Enhance the Design of Local Cultural and Tourist Policies
Set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications used to communicate with an operating system, databases, or communications protocols.
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Promoting Healthy Food Habits Through an mHealth Application
A collection of programming routines and standards for accessing a software application or web-based platform. An API is created when a software company intends for other software developers to develop products associated with its service.
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Learning Object Model for Online Laboratories
API is a set of data structures, routines, and any other programming elements that allow developers to use some part of the system software.
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Chatbots vs. AI Chatbots vs. Virtual Assistants
A set of defined rules that enable different applications to communicate with each other.
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Modeling Objects of Industrial Applications
A set of declarations of the functions (or procedures) that an operating system, library or service provides to support requests made by computer programs.
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Adopting Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in the Construction Industry
APIs act as intermediaries that facilitate seamless communication and data exchange between disparate software systems, fostering communication and innovation in the digital landscape.
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A Package-Based Architecture for Customized GIS
The interface to a library of language-specific subroutines, for instance a graphics library that implement higher level graphics functions.
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Digital Archives and Data Science: Building Programs and Partnerships for Health Sciences Research
A type of software interface which enables the exchange of data between systems. APIs generally follow a set of standards documented in an API specification, which provides a user with instructions of how to build or use the API connection. APIs are frequently used with web applications to share large amounts of data for public use.
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The Internet of Things in the Corporate Environment: Cross-Industry Perspectives and Implementation Issues
A software product that allows two applications to talk to each other. Traditionally used to link on premise business applications, now of new significance in the cloud environment.
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Redefining Traditional Pedagogy: The Integration of Machine Learning in the Contemporary Language Education Classroom
A software service that allows two programmes to transmit data between each other. Allows to access other company’s data or software to enhance functionality and features in another app without having to create it from scratch.
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Utilizing Artificial Intelligence for Text Classification in Communication Sciences: Reliability of ChatGPT Models in Turkish Texts
API is like a bridge that allows different software applications to communicate and interact with each other. It defines the rules and protocols that enable one piece of software to access the functionalities or data of another. APIs are commonly used to integrate different systems, enable interactions between web services, or allow developers to build on top of existing platforms. They specify how software components should interact, making it easier to develop new applications or extend existing ones without having to build everything from scratch.
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Smart City Solutions and the Potential of Using Web APIs: End-User and Technical Perspectives
A set of definitions that enable reuse of software code to control and enable access to hardware and software resources; in particular, a clearly defined method for one software program to interact with the other.
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Internet Search Behavior in Times of COVID-19 Lockdown and Opening
A set of features that allows an automated access of an application or service.
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Cloud Computing and Information Systems Strategy in Multi-National Companies
This is an intermediary software which allows two or more applications to talk to each other.
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Database Systems for Big Data Storage and Retrieval
Is a specification for interacting with software libraries or systems.
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Cloud Computing: A Security and Defense Proposal
A software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other.
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Using Custom-Built, Small-Scale Educational Solutions to Teach Qualitative Research Literacy: No Code, Code, and Complex Applications
A software service that allows two programmes to transmit data between each other. Allows to access other company’s data or software to enhance functionality and features in another app without having to create it from scratch.
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Online Resolution and Citizen Empowerment: Tax Appeals and Court Resolutions in North America
A mechanism for web-based software platforms to exchange data without requiring manual human per-exchange input or initiation.
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