Use of Artificial Intelligence for Image Processing to Aid Digital Forensics: Legislative Challenges

Use of Artificial Intelligence for Image Processing to Aid Digital Forensics: Legislative Challenges

Rajesh Gupta, Manashree Mane, Shambhu Bhardwaj, Ujwal Nandekar, Ahmar Afaq, Dharmesh Dhabliya, Binay Kumar Pandey
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8618-4.ch026
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Use of artificial intelligence for image processing to aid digital forensics is a controversial topic. Some people believe that AI can be very helpful in this field, while others are concerned about the potential misuse of AI technology. There are a few key legislative challenges that need to be addressed before AI can be widely used for image processing in digital forensics. First, there is the issue of data privacy. If images processed by AI contain personal data, then there are risks that this data could be mishandled or misused. There are also concerns that AI could be used to create false or misleading evidence. Another key challenge is ensuring that AI systems are transparent and accountable. If an AI system makes a mistake, it should be possible to understand why it made that mistake and how to avoid similar mistakes in the future. AI has the potential to revolutionize digital forensics, but there are still some important challenges that need to be addressed before it can be widely used.
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1. Introduction

1.1 Artificial Intelligence

The term AI refers to the practise of programming computers to mimic human intellect. Expert systems, NLP, voice recognition, and machine vision are all concrete examples of where AI has been put to use (Ahmed Alaa El-Din, E., 2022).

The basic objective of AI is to make enable to the computers to learn automatically. It is possible without human intervention. It provides the automatically learning efficiency to any. It improves the system from experience. The explicitly programming is not required by Machine learning. It is a process in which a device learns of observations. In machine learning, a machine observes the data, direct experience, and instruction. It has been done to create the patterns in data. After observation, the machine can formulate better decisions for future operation. This better decision is made on the base provided examples to the machine.

Figure 1.

Artificial intelligence


All the researches which are related to artificial intelligence is practical and particular. One of the fundamental complications in artificial intelligence is that how computer programming has been done for some definite characteristic such as: understanding, analysis, Problem solving, awareness, education, Planning, Ability to manipulate and move objects. Knowledge engineering is considered as the fundamental part of AI research. Approaches involved arithmetic procedure, calculation cleverness and flexible calculation along with conventional representational AI. Some approach is exploited in AI, involved exploration along with arithmetical growth methods which enlighten prospect along with financial matters.

Figure 2.

Machine learning in artificial intelligence


Artificial intelligence is defined as intelligence shown by the machines. These machines are moveable lucid mediator which perceives its surroundings. These take steps helpful in maximizing the chance of achievement at aim. AI is a research which is distributed into subfields that focus on specific problems, on approaches .It enables the use of a particular tool and give satisfaction with the use of that particular application. Problems came in AI research are reasoning, knowledge and planning. Where the term general intelligence is long-term field of goal. There are various methods like statistical method, computational intelligence, soft computing also known as machine learning. AI can be displayed on machines. In computer science, an ideal intelligent device has been referred as variable rational agent. It recognizes the environment and takes actions .It increases the chance of success at some aim. In this research is alienated into subarea meeting important issues along with the important approaches.

Main issues come across Artificial Intelligence research involves thinking, knowledge, natural language processing. It has acuity and ability to take step and manipulate system. Universal intelligence will be a big area to be aimed at. There are many methods like data analyzing method, computational intelligence, soft computing and traditional symbolic AI. Some approach is used in Artificial Intelligence. It involves the type of searches and mathematical development methods. It is helpful in explaining probability and economics. Artificial intelligence is used for upcoming purposes which are Speech Recognition, transcribing, transforming human speech into format useful for computer applications. Speech Recognition is a useful tool which is used in interactive voice calls and mobile applications. AI is a machine which is designed to do programming in such a way that they can think and act like a human. AI is an integral part of our life. It has changed our life by as it can be used in a wide area of routine services.

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