Transforming Next Generation-Based Artificial Intelligence for Software Development: Current Status, Issues, Challenges, and Future Opportunities

Transforming Next Generation-Based Artificial Intelligence for Software Development: Current Status, Issues, Challenges, and Future Opportunities

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8088-5.ch003
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All of the advances that we see in our lives are mostly based on software. Over the last several years, software development techniques have seen a significant transition. It simplifies and profits the firm, for example. Many customers' burdens are lightened as a result of their combined efforts. Today, software powers practically every area of the economy and is an integral aspect of a country's economy. Artificial intelligence is no exception. Businesses have embraced practically all developing technology in their software development. AI's effect on software development alters how businesses operate and makes software smarter. In this chapter, the authors have talked about the change AI would bring to software development and the role of could. The authors have also discussed traditional ways used. Towards the end of this paper, they have added open issues and challenges in detail.
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1. Introduction

Conventional software development, which involves a number of steps such as preparing requirements, manually writing code, testing and designing software to ensure that the final product fulfils specifications, is not designed to accommodate modifications. Artificial intelligence (AI) is upending this process by enabling efficient and scalable practices that shorten time-to-market and boost productivity. Whereas several software firms have been in the early stages of AI implementation, the technology's adoption is progressively increasing across the spectrum. As per market research company Tractica, revenue from the use of AI technologies would reach $119 billion globally by 2025. It's important to note that artificial intelligence (AI) is not a substitute for human intelligence (HI). AI is constantly learning and delivering human interactions, all while saving time for software development teams by removing human mistakes in redundant operations. We are certain that AI with Software Development would strengthen development, agile test automation, automation-testing software, and the way RPA bots work with the help of the software as a result of this progress. Artificial intelligence (AI) tools are developed to ensure software development is more dependable, faster, and easier. The following are a few examples of AI's potential applications in software development:

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