Tourist Guides as Representatives of Sustainable Tourism: Evidence From Turkey

Tourist Guides as Representatives of Sustainable Tourism: Evidence From Turkey

Eda Rukiye Donbak
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3725-1.ch003
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The main purpose of this research is to find out tourist guides' contributions to sustainable tourism. It is planned to apply qualitative research method by using interpretive content analysis in phenomenological design. “Using the positive effects of green and sea on people” and “using spices that will interest the group, for example anise” are some of the answers describing tourist guides' leadership (instrumental) roles. “Talking to the villagers and transfer a lot of information to group” and “explain the nature of the region and explaining how the people living there adapt to this nature” are some of the answers of tour guides describing tourist guides' leadership (social) roles. “Giving information about what is famous in the Dardanelles region and go to the tasting” and “if there has been a family who makes tomato paste in the region certainly to let them to get experience” are some of the answers of tour guides describing tourist guides' mediator roles.
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The tourism industry, which is largely labor intensive (Grobelna, 2017; Kim and Park, 2013), and today one of the most developed industries in the world (Baherli and Sucuoglu, 2015), also it is considered by many countries as a means of economic development (Kuo et al., 2018). Some studies have suggested that tourism industry can contribute to conserving natural areas by supporting development of ecotourism and related fields, such as alternative, sustainable and responsible tourism (Blamey, 1997; Orams, 1999; Randall & Rollins; 2009). Tourist guides are professionals involved in shaping tourists' first impressions of destinations, and the role of memorable travel experiences they provide for each tourist in the development of sustainable tourism is critical (Kuo, et al., 2018).

The purpose of this study is to try to understand how licensed tourist guides from Turkey, define their roles within the scope of sustainable tourism. In order to evaluate the assumed roles, the participants were asked about semi-structured questions in the framework of social and instrumental leadership, mediating between local culture and tourists, ensuring behavior towards protecting the environment and economically supporting the local people.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Mediator Role of Tourist Guide: It refers to the culture of the local people in the destination and the cultural mediation between the tourists.

Ecotourism: It allows tourists to experience nature experiences while providing them with authentic experiences in a planned manner, while making direct economic contributions to the local community in the destination.

Memorable Learning Experience in Tourism: It refers the happiness and excitement created by the sense of innovation perceived as a result of the social interaction of the tourists with the local people thanks to the professional performances of the tourist guides.

Conservation Attitude of Nature: It expresses the environmentalist educational comments of tourist guides and the protective attitudes expected to occur in tourists.

Sustainable Tourism: It refers to managing the tourism structuring of a region within a whole of principles considering the future developments of its natural and cultural environment.

Authenticity in Tourism: While it is outside of special interest tourism or nature-based tourism for the realization of hobbies, it refers to the experience that can be obtained within the types such as culture, history, ethnic tourism representing others or the past.

Interpretation Role of Tourist Guide: It refers to transferring information to tourists by interpreting information in order to affect the impression and attitude of the tourists.

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