The Use of Social Media, Online Support Groups, and Apps for Pregnant Women During COVID-19

The Use of Social Media, Online Support Groups, and Apps for Pregnant Women During COVID-19

Amy L. Rathbone, Duncan Cross, Julie Prescott
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 24
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7991-6.ch005
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At the start of 2020, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared COVID-19 as a global pandemic. Pregnant women were deemed a vulnerable group globally and advised to shield. Due to social distancing and the changes in maternity services, it was a reasonable assumption that pregnant women would turn to the online platform for advice and guidance. Using reflexive thematic analysis, this chapter explored the effect of social media, support groups, and app usage on pregnant women during the outbreak. Results evidenced that pregnant women utilised social media, support groups, and apps for information and support. Positive aspects were maintaining social connections whilst adhering to social distancing guidelines, access to support groups and people in similar situations, and ease of access to information. Negative aspects were excessive amounts of and overwhelming information, misinformation, judgement from others, and increased anxiety. Apps were deemed positive for general pregnancy but lacked COVID-19-related information.
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This study is the qualitative arm of a larger one. The initial quantitative research explored diagnosed and perceived, levels of generalised anxiety disorder and health anxiety in pregnant women during the COVID-19 outbreak. A sample of 674 participants completed an online questionnaire consisting of demographic and pregnancy-related questions, the GAD-7 and HAI. Results evidenced that the COVID-19 outbreak had indeed increased self-reported levels of general anxiety and health anxiety in pregnant women.

In light of social distancing guidelines, and the recommendation that pregnant women shield as a precautionary measure, it was reasonably assumed that social media and apps would be further frequented due to increased isolation. This necessitated an exploratory, qualitative study to explore the positive and negative effects of social media usage, support groups and app usage in light of COVID-19 for women during pregnancy.

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