The Threat of Unplanned Urban and Real Estate Expansion to Environmental Sustainability: A Fresh Insight From Pakistan

The Threat of Unplanned Urban and Real Estate Expansion to Environmental Sustainability: A Fresh Insight From Pakistan

Azeem Razzak, Orhan Sanli, Firdous Ahmad Malik, Maryum Sajid Raja, Laeeq Razzak Janjua
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8681-8.ch013
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Urbanization is a complex and multifaceted process that positively and negatively impacts society and the environment. To promote sustainable and inclusive urban development, it is essential to adopt a holistic and interdisciplinary approach that takes into account social, economic, and environmental factors, as well as the needs and perspectives of local communities and stakeholders. By adopting sustainable real estate practices, Pakistan can create a more sustainable and prosperous future for all its citizens. Likewise, real estate firms that aim to promote environmental, social, and economic sustainability in their operations should consider adopting a sustainable marketing approach. Real estate organizations may contribute to a more sustainable future while also benefiting their business by integrating sustainable practices into all facets of their operations and promoting sustainability to their clients and stakeholders. Sustainable marketing gives real estate companies a competitive edge and long-term profitability in addition to helping to safeguard the environment and society.
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Urbanization is a growing trend worldwide, with more people moving into cities and metropolitan areas than ever (The World Bank, 2022). This trend presents challenges for sustainable development, as cities are responsible for a significant portion of global carbon emissions and resource consumption (United Nations, 2018). Sustainable marketing can be critical in addressing these challenges, as it encourages businesses to adopt environmentally friendly practices and promote sustainable products and services (Kotler, Kartajaya, & Setiawan, 2018). By promoting sustainable lifestyles and encouraging consumers to make more conscious choices, sustainable marketing can help reduce the negative impact of urbanization on the environment and support the transition to a more sustainable future (Peattie & Belz, 2010).

Sustainable marketing can also be crucial in promoting sustainable lifestyles in urban areas. By encouraging consumers to adopt environmentally friendly behaviors, such as using public transportation or purchasing locally sourced products, sustainable marketing can help reduce the negative impact of urbanization on the environment (Dangelico & Pujari, 2010). In addition, sustainable marketing can help create a sense of community and shared responsibility for environmental issues, which can be particularly important in urban areas where people may feel disconnected from nature (Dhurup & Hislop, 2016). By creating campaigns that appeal to people's values and a sense of purpose, sustainable marketing can inspire people to take action and make a difference in their communities (Boulstridge & Carrigan, 2000).

Urbanization refers to people moving from rural areas to cities, leading to an increase in urban population and the growth of urban areas. This phenomenon has occurred for centuries but has accelerated in recent decades due to various factors, including industrialization, globalization, and modernization (United Nations, 2018). Urbanization has positive and negative effects on Society and the environment, and it is an essential topic for policymakers, academics, and the general public. One of the positive effects of urbanization is that it can lead to economic development and job creation. Urban areas are often the center of industry, commerce, and finance, and they can offer better employment opportunities than rural areas. Urbanization also increases productivity and innovation, as people and businesses are more likely to collaborate and exchange ideas in dense urban environments (Glaeser, 2014). Furthermore, urbanization can improve infrastructure, healthcare, education, and other public services, as cities have more resources and economies of scale to invest in these areas (United Nations, 2018).

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