The Influence of Social Media Communications on Consumer-Brand Relationships in the Luxury Brand Context: A Bibliometric Review

The Influence of Social Media Communications on Consumer-Brand Relationships in the Luxury Brand Context: A Bibliometric Review

Maryam Firouznia, Ana Brochado, Charles Wood
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 23
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-4195-7.ch011
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In this study, a total of 59 studies were analyzed. This study presents a bibliometric review of research over the past decade (2010 to 2022). The findings indicated that most studies are conducted in China and applied quantitative method and used questionnaire for data collection on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Moreover, the findings of this study indicated that 'Brand Luxury,' 'Social Media Marketing,' 'brand equity,' 'luxury marketing,' 'purchase intention,' 'fashion brands,' and 'trust' are the most frequently used keywords. The findings of this study indicated that the major leading journals in the publication of research papers on luxury brands are the “Journal of Global Fashion Marketing,” “Developments in Marketing Science,” and the “Journal of Business Research.” The current study provides a summary of existing studies, uncovers knowledge gaps, and proposes recommendations for future research.
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Social media has been defined as “a group of internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0 and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content” (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010, p.61). The growing popularity of social media has impacted numerous industries, including luxury (Song & Kim, 2022).

In recent years, there has been an increased focus on the relationship between Social media marketing and luxury brands. Despite the significant amount of research in this field, there is lack of been a lack of comprehensive analysis of the literature. While the number of studies focusing on luxury brand strategies on social media is growing, little attention has been paid to a comprehensive analysis of the literature.

The current bibliometric review aims to understand the literature on the influence of social media communications on consumer-brand relationships in the luxury brand context. While both areas have extensive research bases, little is known about the mechanism of fostering consumer-brand relationships through social media marketing activities in the luxury brand context. This to the identification of the scopes and contents of the practices and related theories the review questions are as follows:

RQ1. What is the current statues of the academic literature regarding influence of social media communications on consumer-brand relationships in the luxury brand context?

RQ2. What are the emerging and promising topics in the field of consumer-brand relationships in the luxury brand context?

RQ3. What still needs to be investigated?


Analysis And Results

This section presents the bibliometric and descriptive analysis of research in Social media marketing and luxury brands. A timeline analysis captures the total publications spread across 2010 to 2022 and 59 studies were reviewed.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Luxury Marketing: Luxury marketing refers to the strategies and various marketing activities used to promote and sell high-end products or services.

Luxury Brand: A luxury brand includes those brands recognized for their high quality, high price tags, and prestigious image within consumer among consumers.

Social media: Social media refers to online platforms that facilitate interactions, collaborations, and the sharing of content or entertainment among individuals.

Influencer: An influencer who built a large network of followers, which as a third parties that shape or change consumers' purchasing behavior.

Social Media Marketing Activities (SMMa): Involve using social media platforms for marketing strategies and campaigns to influence consumer purchase intention behavior.

Purchase Intention: Purchase intention is the possibility of purchasing a good or services in the future.

Customer Engagement: Customer engagement is the effective relationship between a customer and a brand through a variety of online and offline channels.

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