The Background of Challenges on Developing Education Policy for Syrians in Turkey: Organizations

The Background of Challenges on Developing Education Policy for Syrians in Turkey: Organizations

Şaduman Kapusuzoğlu, Mehmet Durnalı
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-8909-9.ch012
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The focus of this study will be on the truth lies in identifying one of the background of challenges on comprehensive and precise educational policies required to be developed and executed so that training and educational needs of immigrants in Turkey will be fulfilled very effectively. The background will be examined in terms of organizations playing active roles in immigrant management. The introduction provides an overview of; relation between integration of immigrants into a society and role of education, adaptation of education system for immigrant, immigrant education policy, and immigrant management. In the main part, Turkish national, supranational and international governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and civil society organizations (CSOs) acting on behalf of meeting the needs of refugees and immigrants in Turkey will be determined and discussed in a systematic and holistic way. Their foundation, main mission, roles, practices, some of their projects will be explained as a sample case.
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It is a fact that the most controversial debate has been going on about integrating Syrians into Turkish society and education of them in Turkey since the start of Syrian Immigrants’ Crisis in Turkey. The well-integration of immigrants into the host society’s sociological, psychological, political norms and also into geography such as climate and topography, means permanent alteration in immigrants’ attitudes and behaviors. That requires not only enrolling some of them in kindergarten or some into higher education, but also participating them in those educational programs actively with the help of host society. Shortly, it means that it is mostly the education which makes immigrants acquire the skills essential to function in the host society. Goldman (1974) identifies some of the challenges immigrants face in a new society. For example, immigrants in any society result in many educational problems to the host country, especially if they arrive in large numbers. Adults have to be inducted into a society strange to them, a new language may have to be acquired, new habits of dress, hygiene, feeding, and living will be demanded. He emphasizes that socialization normally takes a period of twenty years by the newcomers. This may entail the learning of entirely new social systems. In addition to challenges immigrants face as Goldman stated above, there are also another challenges that immigrants need to deal with. One of them is destructive insolences to immigrations which affects their integration to new society. Another one is culture shock. New and different communication skills such as body language are another thing which is better to be acquired by immigrants. What is more, as Goldman states only for adult but it is also a reality for kids and youngster to be inducted into a society.

With system approach to education of immigrants, the education systems come up with solutions to migration in many different ways. It is these solutions which have a vast effect on the financial and social prosperity of all members of the societies, whether they have an immigrant experience or not. A great number of asylum-seekers and school-age migrants have to be compelled to integrate quickly by some systems; some have to be forced to provide accommodations for students whose native language is not like the language of the host community within or whose parents have disadvantages with respect to socio-economical ways; all three challenges are seen in some systems at the same time (OECD, 2015a). It is likely that immigrant students are gathered in same schools in somewhere (OECD, 2015b). The educational system has to be adapted to the new demands made upon it, where immigrants gathered together into one place in groups, and the pattern is a common one in the inner city ring of large conurbations. More teachers, specially qualified teachers, a different approach to the curriculum, language teaching equipment and other aids may have to be provided (Goldman, 1974). In addition to those provided, it is also essential to take immigrants physiological mood such as culture shock, depression, and etc. into consideration in the way to help them get rid of those moods and get them motivated on education. Goldman (1974) also states that the adaptations of education system required may be examined in two ways, one revealing the immediate stress experienced by schools and the other revealing the long-term educational requirements a multiethnic society has to face.

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