Sustainable Technologies Development: An Analysis of the Brazilian Green Patents Program

Sustainable Technologies Development: An Analysis of the Brazilian Green Patents Program

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6366-6.ch012
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The objective of this study was to describe the Brazilian green patents pilot program from the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) by mapping the national scenario in concerning to the technological development of green patents. The methodology consisted in prospecting the green patents deposit per the technological sector, highlighting that only documents deposited in Brazil were considered. Besides that, the solid waste management area has greater documental recording showing a propensity to develop more technologies; therefore, the Brazilian government should create public policies aimed at strengthening these technologies, thereby stimulating and developing them in both universities and industries, granting governmental incentives for the manufacturing of products and processes provision, by creating specific lines of financing through development agencies.
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Green technologies have taken a very important position in the development of global sustainability. In accordance with several countries' recognition of the importance of developing these technologies to combat global climate change, governments have begun to recognize the relevance of patent-granting procedures as a mechanism to stimulate green technologies.

The innovation model based on the government-university-industry relationship is of fundamental importance for the development of green technologies. Through the interaction of these three actors, it is possible to create a system of sustainable and lasting innovation in the era of the knowledge economy.

Green technologies are important for promoting economic growth, as they create new opportunities for business and employment. They also help to reduce energy costs and improve energy efficiency, which can have a significant impact on the global economy. In addition, green technologies can promote social inclusion, as they can help to provide access to clean energy and improve the quality of life for people living in poverty.

The development of green technologies requires significant investment and collaboration between the public and private sectors. Governments have an important role to play in supporting the development of green technologies, by providing funding and incentives for research and development. The private sector also has a key role to play, by investing in research and development, and by bringing new green technologies to market.

There is a growing body of research on the importance of the UN Sustainable Development Goals for the development of green technologies. For example, a study by Boulanger et al. (2020) found that the SDGs are driving innovation in the green technology sector and that companies that align their business strategies with the SDGs are more likely to succeed. Another study by Atadana et al. (2020) found that the SDGs provide a framework for the development of green technologies and that companies that focus on the SDGs are more likely to be successful in the long term.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 global objectives that aim to promote economic growth, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability. One of the key areas addressed by the SDGs is the development of green technologies. Green technologies are technologies that are environmentally friendly and sustainable, and they play a crucial role in addressing the challenges of climate change and environmental degradation. This paper explores the importance of the UN Sustainable Development Goals for the development of green technologies.

The SDGs aim to create a sustainable future for the planet, and green technologies are an important part of this vision. Green technologies are technologies that use renewable energy sources, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and minimize the use of non-renewable resources. These technologies play a crucial role in addressing the challenges of climate change and environmental degradation. They are essential for achieving the SDGs, particularly those related to environmental sustainability, such as SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), and SDG 13 (Climate Action).

The UN Sustainable Development Goals are essential for the development of green technologies. Green technologies play a crucial role in addressing the challenges of climate change and environmental degradation, and they are important for promoting economic growth and social inclusion. The development of green technologies requires significant investment and collaboration between the public and private sectors, and the SDGs provide a framework for this collaboration. Governments and the private sector have an important role to play in supporting the development of green technologies, and the research by Boulanger et al. and Atadana et al. supports this assertion.

In 2009, the national patent offices in Japan, Israel, South Korea, the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, and Canada created pilot programs to expedite the examination of patent applications for green technologies, initially focused on specific areas that aim to reduce the impact of climate change by emitting less or removing CO2 from the atmosphere. In addition to following these principles, the inventions should be related to waste management, alternative energy, agriculture, transportation, and energy conservation.

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