Security, Privacy, and Technical Challenges in a Blockchain-Internet of Things-Based Environment

Security, Privacy, and Technical Challenges in a Blockchain-Internet of Things-Based Environment

Amit Kumar Tyagi, Meghna Manoj Nair, Khushboo Tripathi
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2081-5.ch014
(Individual Chapters)
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Blockchain and internet of things (IoT) is a combination that has massive potential to bring about revolutionary changes in various useful applications/ industries by enabling secure and transparent data exchange, decentralized control, and improved efficiency. However, this convergence also requires significant security, privacy, and technical challenges that must be addressed for successful implementation and widespread adoption. This chapter explains the security, privacy, and technical challenges that arise in a blockchain-IoT-based environment. Firstly, it examines the security issues related to the distributed nature of blockchain networks and the vulnerabilities that can be exploited in IoT devices and communication channels. Further, the authors discuss the importance of cryptographic techniques, secure key management, and access control mechanisms to protect data integrity and prevent unauthorized access.
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1. Introduction

In recent years, the convergence of blockchain technology and the Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a promising paradigm for various industries. The combination of blockchain and IoT brings new opportunities and possibilities for decentralized and secure applications, enabling devices to communicate and transact autonomously without the need for intermediaries. However, along with these opportunities, the integration of blockchain and IoT also presents significant security, privacy, and technical challenges that need to be addressed. Applications that utilize both blockchain and IoT technology face unique security challenges in today's digital landscape. One major issue is the vulnerability of IoT devices themselves, as they often have limited computational power and security measures. These devices can be exploited by malicious actors to compromise the integrity of the blockchain network. Moreover, the decentralized nature of blockchain poses challenges in terms of securing data privacy and ensuring proper authentication and authorization mechanisms for IoT devices (Mohanta et al., 2020). Additionally, the immutability of blockchain data presents a challenge when it comes to removing or updating sensitive information that may have been inadvertently recorded. As blockchain and IoT continue to evolve, addressing these security challenges becomes important to build robust and trustworthy applications in this domain. Some of the key security challenges are listed and explained below:

  • Device Vulnerabilities: IoT devices are often resource-constrained and may lack robust security measures. They can be vulnerable to various attacks such as malware infections, physical tampering, or unauthorized access. Compromised devices within a blockchain-IoT environment can lead to a breakdown of trust and compromise the integrity of the entire network.

  • Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks: The decentralized nature of blockchain-IoT systems can make them targets for DDoS attacks. Attackers can flood the network with a large volume of malicious requests, overwhelming the devices and disrupting normal operations. These attacks can hinder the availability and reliability of IoT devices and compromise the overall system performance.

  • Smart Contract Vulnerabilities: The are contracts which are capable of self-executing through the agreement terms that are directly converted to codes and form an essential part of numerous blockchain-IoT use cases. However, coding errors or vulnerabilities in smart contracts can be exploited by attackers to manipulate transactions, steal sensitive information, or disrupt the execution of the contract.

Privacy challenges are another significant technology, faced by several applications utilizing blockchain and IoT. One of the main issues is the potential exposure of sensitive data collected by IoT devices. Since blockchain is designed to be transparent and immutable, any data stored on the blockchain is visible to all participants, raising issues about privacy and confidentiality. This becomes particularly problematic when dealing with personal information or sensitive business data. Another challenge lies in managing user identities and ensuring their privacy in a decentralized environment (Choo et al., 2020). Blockchain-based authentication mechanisms need to strike a delicate balance between providing sufficient privacy while maintaining the necessary level of trust and accountability. Addressing these privacy challenges is important to foster trust and widespread adoption of blockchain and IoT applications while safeguarding individuals' sensitive information. Two important aspects of this are elaborated below:

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