Role of Emerging Technologies in Education 4.0: Challenges and Future Research Directions

Role of Emerging Technologies in Education 4.0: Challenges and Future Research Directions

Sai Dhakshan, G. Balamurugan, J. S. Shyam Mohan, Amit Kumar Tyagi
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 24
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9285-7.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
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Today's Education 4.0 has entered a new era of learning, characterized by the pervasive influence of emerging technologies. Education 4.0 embraces digitalization, personalized learning, and lifelong skill development. Emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence, augmented reality, virtual reality, blockchain, and the internet of things, play pivotal roles in transforming traditional pedagogical approaches. They facilitate personalized learning experiences, enhance data-driven decision-making, and promote global connectivity. However, the integration of these technologies into education faces multifaceted challenges. This chapter discusses the challenges associated with the adoption of emerging technologies in education, including issues related to equity and access, data privacy, teacher professional development, and the need for revised curriculum and assessment frameworks. Furthermore, it underscores the importance of ethical considerations, such as responsible AI use and digital citizenship, in the technology-driven educational landscape.
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1. Introduction

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the capability of machines to recreate human intellect and intelligence in humans’ actions such as reasoning and their knowledge from past experience. AI has been used as an aid to many sections which we will be discussing in the paper such as smart grid, e-healthcare in smart environment. The ai uses multidisciplinary subject’s such as linear algebra, statistics, probability, calculus etc., from the fields of mathematics, psychology, computer science etc. it is the mathematics that most often used to model and solve problems using efficient algorithm. Artificial intelligence also works to reduce the work of humans. AI hands-on on with many technologies such as data analytics, Blockchain, big data, IoT etc. AI alone is not enough to build smart environment, since the main work of AI is to take decision according to that particular situation, there need to be many technologies clubbed together with artificial intelligence. Ambient intelligence is part or sub-set of artificial intelligence, since being derived from artificial intelligence, the use of ambient Intelligence can be used in environment meant to build smart environment. Its particular use in building smart environments therefore it was coined the term ambient intelligence. Ambient Intelligence applications can be seen various sectors such as education, hospitality, commerce etc. Blockchain is a type of digital ledger technology which was primarily discovered to cater the needs to serve as the public distributed ledger for bitcoin cryptocurrency transactions, but later blockchain found its way to serve many sectors such as insurance, real estate, voting, logistics, supply chain management, secure internet of things network. Artificial Intelligence after taking decision its task is over the command has to be taken by some technology, for that internet of things was developed for fulfilling the decisions of artificial intelligence using its own in-built sensors. The use of sensing technology and innovative interaction devices interconnected with a network and supplemented with intelligent and context aware software to create useful services for humans in whatever space and time they need support (Molnár & Sik, 2019).

Figure 1.

Combination of IoT, blockchain, and artificial intelligence


In India, the need for main cities to develop a technology to cater to all the needs of the people in the city which can be viewed digitally is the task. But to achieve it there are many problems for the technology to solve. The rapid development of ICT is constantly challenging the society, the economy and the way of everyday life. This tendency is becoming more and more intensified nowadays. Besides the transformation of basic ways of life, tasks and roles, changes are certain in some elements of the education system (Hajjaji et al., 2021). Combination of IoT, Blockchain, and Artificial Intelligence technologies can be found in Figure 1. Hence, Smart cities are type of framework which is particularly built on the developing the users in the smart city to connect over information and communication technology. It is done because the users must be able to adapt themselves to growing industrialization and urbanization. ICT application are backed up the technologies such as Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Cloud Computing and Blockchain. The “smart” paradigm in smart cities is highly motivated by the ability of a city to be environmentally friendly; cities are edging toward conserving the environment by producing less waste that can pollute the environment (Al-Turjman et al., 2019).

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