Rhyme and Reason: The Connections Among Coding, Computational Thinking, and Literacy

Rhyme and Reason: The Connections Among Coding, Computational Thinking, and Literacy

Madhu Govind, Ziva Reimer Hassenfeld, Laura de Ruiter
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 23
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7308-2.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The chapter begins with an exploration of computational thinking (CT) and its relationship to computational literacy, followed by a summary of theoretical and empirical work that aims to elucidate the connections among coding, CT, and literacy. The authors argue that these connections thus far have been predominantly one of support (i.e., unidirectional) and motivated by technological and policy advances, as opposed to considering the connections as mutually reinforcing and developmentally coaligned. The authors discuss the coding as another language (CAL) pedagogical approach, a pedagogy that presents learning to program as akin to learning how to use a new language for communicative and expressive functions, emphasizing the bidirectional connections between the two domains. Finally, the authors detail various curricula that use the CAL approach and discuss the implications of CAL for teaching and learning in early childhood.
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Anyone in the field of computer science education has likely seen or heard the phrase “Coding is the literacy of the twenty-first century,” but what meaning does it hold beyond being a lofty metaphor or a catchy marketing slogan? The term “literacy” is often invoked to emphasize the importance of coding in our modern technology-rich world. After all, at the turn of the twentieth century, it was difficult to imagine achieving economic independence or participating in civic society without knowing how to read and write. As such, we might imagine that in the near future, it may be difficult to succeed without some knowledge of coding, or at the very least, a foundational understanding of the computational processes involved in computing.

With the increasing prevalence of technology and the rise of computing jobs (Code.org, 2020; Fayer, Lacey & Watson, 2017), there is no question that coding and computational thinking (CT) have been a growing national and international area of focus. In December 2018, the US White House released a report Charting a Course for Success: America’s Strategy for STEM Education, in which they named computational literacy as one of the four pathways to success in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education and the promotion of CT as one of the three objectives for achieving this goal (Committee on STEM Education, 2018). However, there are many unanswered questions about what this pathway looks like, especially in the early years when young children are actively acquiring foundational literacy and language skills. We explore in this chapter the bidirectional and developmentally aligned connections among coding, CT, and literacy. We conclude by suggesting that early childhood coding education need not repeat the mistakes of literacy education. It need not promote inequity and status quo by limiting access or by legitimizing only particular notions of knowledge, truth, and values. By teaching coding through a pedagogy that centers the child and her funds of knowledge, we can show the next generation that coding education is for everyone.


Before CT was popularized as a “universally applicable attitude and skillset everyone, not just computer scientists, would be eager to learn and use” (Wing, 2006, p. 33), there was the notion of computational literacy (diSessa, 2000). Whereas Wing’s definition of computational thinking highlighted the universality of the principles behind computer science (CS) that could be used to promote learning in all areas, diSessa’s definition of computational literacy extended beyond CS and took into consideration the material, cognitive, and social dimensions of computing.

Many use the terms computational thinking and computational literacy interchangeably, sometimes preferring the former in order to clearly differentiate from digital literacy (Grover & Pea, 2013). However, we argue, as have others (see e.g., Committee on STEM Education, 2018; Li et al., 2020), that the distinction is meaningful. Computational literacy has a broader scope than CT and much greater implications regarding how people think, communicate, and make sense of the world around them. For the purposes of our discussion on the conceptual and pedagogical connections to young children’s literacy and language development, we focus specifically on CT.

Given the range of thought on the topic, there is a need for a guiding framework through which we can situate our work. Jacob and Warschauer (2018) propose a three-dimensional framework for exploring the relationship between CT and literacy: 1) understanding the connection between CT and literacy from a cognitive and sociocultural perspective; 2) outlining mechanisms by which existing literacy and language skills can help augment CT; and 3) exploring ways in which CT skills can facilitate the development of traditional and new literacies. To put it succinctly, they see the connection between CT and literacy unfolding in three distinct ways: CT as literacy, CT through literacy, and literacy through CT. This framework proves useful for structuring our discussion in this chapter.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Programming Language: A set of commands, instructions, and symbols that humans can manipulate in order to communicate with computers.

Syntax: The set of rules, principles and processes of a language that govern the arrangement of words and phrases.

Composition: A musical, artistic, written, or digital artifact created by a person or a group of people.

Grammar: The structure and system of a language.

Literacy: The ability to read, write, speak, and listen in a way that enables a person to communicate effectively and make sense of the world around them.

Language: A socially and culturally constructed symbolic system of human communication conveyed using speech, gesture/manual signs, and writing.

Access: The ability, permission, or right to use, communicate, or approach something or someone.

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