Revolutionizing Agriculture With Cloud-Connected Irrigation Technology

Revolutionizing Agriculture With Cloud-Connected Irrigation Technology

Abhishek Kumar Singh, Pushkar Praveen, Devansh Tripathi, Ved Prakash Pandey, Pratibha Verma
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 24
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6418-2.ch010
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The current global water crisis, caused by factors such as population growth, urbanization, and climate change, has a significant impact on agriculture, which consumes 70% of the world's freshwater. One potential solution to this problem is the use of intelligent irrigation systems. Cloud-based smart irrigation systems offer a more efficient and cost-effective approach to water consumption management. This study examines the concept of cloud-based smart irrigation systems, their advantages, and their potential application in agriculture. To begin, the authors detail the various components of a cloud-based smart irrigation system, including sensors, controllers, and cloud computing. They then explore the benefits of cloud-based systems, which include scalability, cost-effectiveness, and real-time data processing capabilities. They also delve into the different types of sensors used in smart irrigation systems, such as soil moisture, weather, and crop sensors, as well as their respective advantages and limitations. Furthermore, they discuss the various controllers utilized in smart irrigation systems, such as scheduling, sensor-based, and weather-based controllers. They elaborate on how these controllers function and the advantages they offer in terms of water conservation and crop yield optimization. Lastly, they examine the practical application of cloud-based smart irrigation systems in agriculture, including how to create, implement, and tailor the system to suit the specific requirements of a particular farm. They also consider potential barriers to adoption, such as cost and technological complexity, and how to overcome them. In short, cloud-based smart irrigation systems present a promising solution to the water crisis in agriculture. These systems can significantly reduce water waste, increase crop yield, and save costs by utilizing cloud computing technology to manage irrigation. With careful planning, installation, and configuration, cloud-based smart irrigation systems have the potential to be an effective tool for farmers in improving their productivity and sustainability.
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Water management and irrigation systems have been an integral part of human civilization for thousands of years. From the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia to the modern-day societies, water management has played a crucial role in sustaining human life and fostering economic development. The history of water management can be traced back to the early agricultural societies, where farmers used simple techniques, such as diverting water from rivers and streams to irrigate their crops. In many parts of the world, water was considered a scarce resource, and the ability to manage it effectively was critical for survival.

As societies became more complex, so did their water management systems. Xiao Yun Zheng (2021) explains the water management in ancient Egypt, for example, the construction of canals and reservoirs allowed farmers to harness the power of the Nile River to irrigate their crops. The Maya civilization of Central America also developed sophisticated water management systems that allowed them to grow crops in areas with limited rainfall. The importance of water management and irrigation systems continued to grow as societies became more urbanized and industrialized. In the 19th century, the Industrial Revolution led to the development of large-scale irrigation systems that allowed for the cultivation of crops on a massive scale. The construction of dams and reservoirs also became increasingly common, providing a reliable source of water for both agriculture and industry.

Today, water management and irrigation systems are more important than ever. As the world's population continues to grow and climate change brings more unpredictable weather patterns, the need for effective water management has become critical. Governments and organizations around the world are investing in advanced water management technologies and infrastructure to ensure that future generations have access to clean water and food security. In short, the history of water management and irrigation systems is a testament to humanity's ability to adapt and innovate in the face of challenges. As we look towards the future, it is clear that effective water management will play a critical role in ensuring the health and prosperity of our planet and its people.

We all know about the scenario of water scarcity. It affects not only rural areas but also urban areas. This scarcity is further exacerbated by the uneven distribution of rainfall between locations and at different times of the year. As per information given by AQUASTAT, the global information system of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FOA), the agricultural industry uses 69% of the fresh water available on Earth. Water's significance and requirement may be seen in the agricultural production industry and for ensuring food security.

Almost 40% of the world's food is produced by irrigated agriculture. But farmers still irrigate their crops using conventional irrigation systems. These systems are time- and labor-intensive and ineffective, especially when several fields are dispersed over various geographical areas. For instance, in developing nations, farmers are required to constantly visit their fields and remain there when irrigation is taking place in order to manage and plan irrigation in the area in question. Moreover, conventional irrigation frequently results in the issue of overwatering, which uses a lot of water. Moreover, it may result in concerns with inadequate irrigation, which impacts crop quality. Farmers that only use rainwater for irrigation are concerned about this. As a result, it becomes extremely important to monitor and manage each crop's water requirements. Regardless of weather, soil type, or crop variety, this irrigation method must carefully match the water needs of the entire field. Due to evaporation and a lack of suitable resources, a large amount of irrigation water is squandered. Irrigation system management of water resources becomes crucial in agriculture to aid farmers in improving their produce. A smart irrigation system strategy has emerged to solve this issue. The system will be more practical and able to monitor a variety of characteristics, including temperature, humidity, and soil moisture, utilizing a variety of sensors thanks to the use of IoT.

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