Research Competence of Training for Students With Locomotors Apparatus Diseases in the System of Russian General Education

Research Competence of Training for Students With Locomotors Apparatus Diseases in the System of Russian General Education

Julia Shurygina, Ekaterina Yuryevna Aleshina, Natalia Prokhorova
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-3485-3.ch022
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This chapter describes problems of the organization of training process for children with locomotors apparatus diseases in inclusive educational institutions. The idea of psycho-pedagogical support of the personal development of children with locomotors apparatus diseases is at the heart of the suggested training system considering basic requirements (physiological, need for safety, need for belonging, need for recognition, respect and approval, need for self-expression) and special requirements while using adaptation methods and training methods. In total the realization of the above requirements provides the adaptation of a child with special needs to the educational environment of the institution and personal development. Investigation of psychological and pedagogical literature on the researched problem with a purpose of identifying the experience of the organization of training process for children with locomotors apparatus diseases, analysis, synthesis, generalization are used as methods of research.
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One of the aspects of education modernization is humanization of the learning process. Learning process humanization is associated with the development of educational technology in recognition of one of the priority values of individual teacher and students, harmonization of their interests, relations and conditions of their development. Humanism implies cooperation and interaction of students in the learning process in order to achieve mutual result (Chiknaverova, 2012; Shakirova & Valeeva, 2014; Valeeva, 2015; Yusupova, Podgorecki & Markova, 2015; Novik & Podgórecki, 2015; Golovanova & Telegina, 2015). The humanistic outlook recognizes the right of each person to be included in educational process irrespective of his/her characteristics and life capabilities.

Educational technology, its structure as a whole, the specificity of technological approach in the training process were deeply studied by V. P. Bespalko (1989), V. А. Kalnej (1999), М. V. Klarin (1989), М. I. Makhmutov (1975), P.I. Pidkasistyj (1999), Е.S. Polat (2001), G.К. Selevko (1996), V. А. Slastenin (1997), Choshanov (1996), B. Bloom (1985), P. Mitchell (1978), T. Sakamoto (1974), B. Skinner (1961). These studies made it possible to identify the main trends in the development of educational training technologies at the present stage. Humanization and humanitarization of education and training profoundly analyzed in the research done by S. A. Amonashvili (1996), R. А. Valeeva (1997), Z. G. Nigmatov (1990). These studies highlighted the priority of effectiveness of humanistic education. The works by J. Dewey (1902), A. Neill (1960), W. McKeachie (1986), S. Finn (1991), A. Bandura (1997), M. Kanstroom (1999) contain a comprehensive consideration of successful implementation of child-centered learning approach. The cooperation in training was investigated by V. K. Djachenko (1991), D. W. Johnson & R. T. Johnson (1993), S. Kagan (1985).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Educational Institution: An organization which carries out educational activity.

Requirement: An internal state of psychological or functional feeling of insufficiency; it is demonstrated depending on situational factors.

People With Special Needs: Children with special educational needs; the children who need to receive some special psychological and pedagogical support and special conditions for their education and training.

Inclusive Education: One of transformation processes of the general education based on comprehension that disabled people in modern society can (and have to) be involved in society.

Education System: A model which unites institutional structures (school, university, preschool educational institutions, additional education, colleges, etc.) the main objective of which is education of students.

Adaptation: A process of the adaptation to the changing external conditions.

Educational Environment: A part of sociocultural space, a zone of interaction of educational systems, their elements, educational material and subjects of educational processes.

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