Real-World Applications of Bio-Inspired Swarm Robotics

Real-World Applications of Bio-Inspired Swarm Robotics

Kshyamasagar Mahanta, Hima Bindu Maringanti, Maharaja Sriram Chandra
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1277-3.ch010
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Bio-inspired swarm robotics is a captivating area that takes inspiration from collective behavior of social animals to create collaborative and autonomous robotic systems. This chapter explores real-world applications of bio-inspired swarm robotics, highlighting how it solves complex problems in various domains. Engineers have developed innovative robotic systems by studying self-organization, cooperation, and adaptation in natural swarms. This chapter delves into impactful applications of bio-inspired swarm robotics, showcasing adaptable and efficient robotic systems. Exploring diverse domains where swarm robotics makes a difference, readers gain insights into its potential and limitations in addressing real-world challenges. The chapter emphasizes achievements so far and paves the way for future innovation and exploration in swarm robotics.
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1. Fundamentals Of Bio-Inspired Swarm Robotics

1.1 Overview of Swarm Robotics and its Biological Connection

Swarm robotics is a fascinating field that serves as a bridge between the realms of biology and robotics, drawing profound inspiration from the extraordinary collective behaviors observed in the natural world. These behaviors, prominently exhibited by social animals such as ants, bees, birds, and fish, have captivated researchers and robotics enthusiasts alike due to their inherent efficiency, adaptability, and impressive problem-solving capabilities. Dorigo et al. (2021) describe swarm robotics, which is the design, development, and deployment of large groups of robots that collaborate to solve a problem or carry out a task. Swarm robotics draws its inspiration from naturally occurring self-organizing systems like social insects, fish schools, and bird flocks. In the natural world, these social creatures have evolved over millennia to perform intricate tasks, from foraging for food to building intricate nests and migrating vast distances. What is particularly intriguing is that they achieve these feats with limited individual cognitive abilities, relying instead on the power of collaboration within their groups. This phenomenon has served as a wellspring of inspiration for swarm robotics, which seeks to replicate and harness these principles to design robotic systems capable of working together seamlessly, just as their biological counterparts do.

Swarm robotics represents a profound departure from the traditional robotics paradigm, where single, centralized systems execute tasks with precision. Instead, it embraces the principles of decentralized control, self-organization, and the emergence of collective intelligence. This paradigm shift is key to understanding the essence of swarm robotics and its potential applications. In traditional robotics, a central controller dictates the actions of individual robots, making them highly dependent on a singular decision-making entity. In contrast, swarm robotics entrusts individual robots with a degree of autonomy and decision-making capacity, similar to how social insects like ants and bees operate. These robots interact with each other and their environment, sharing information and collaborating locally to achieve common objectives. This approach ensures robustness and adaptability in dynamic and uncertain environments, where a centralized system may falter. The paper proposes the use of swarm robots to study the adaptive process of active matter swarms in complex and changeable environments. The robots are given unique digital genes and breeding methods and rules for gene mutations are designed. It is demonstrated that agents with genetic inheritance can survive for a long time under the action of natural selection in periodically changing environments, both in robot experiments and simulation experiments. The findings confirm that both breeding and mutation are essential factors for successful adaptation of individuals and swarms to complex, dynamic, and unpredictable actual environments (Jin et al., 2023). Central to swarm robotics are the concepts of self-organization and the emergence of collective intelligence. Self-organization refers to the ability of individual robots to organize themselves into a coherent and functional group without external intervention. This mirrors the way ants collectively build complex tunnels or how birds align themselves into intricate flight formations without a central commander. The emergence of collective intelligence is another remarkable aspect, where the actions of individual robots collectively lead to intelligent group behaviors. It is akin to the way schools of fish move together seamlessly or how a flock of birds makes split-second decisions during migration. In swarm robotics, collective intelligence arises from the interactions between robots following simple local rules, resulting in complex and adaptive group behaviors. These principles have far-reaching implications for real-world applications. Swarm robotics has the potential to revolutionize fields such as agriculture, where groups of robots can work collaboratively to plant, cultivate, and harvest crops with precision and efficiency. Environmental monitoring becomes more effective as swarms of robots can cover large areas, collecting data on ecosystems or tracking environmental changes. In search and rescue operations, swarm robots can navigate complex and hazardous terrains, locate survivors, and provide crucial assistance.

In essence, swarm robotics opens up a world of possibilities, where robotic systems emulate the collective behaviors of social animals, combining simplicity at the individual level with complexity at the group level. By studying and harnessing these fundamental principles, we unlock the potential to create intelligent robotic systems that excel in a wide range of applications, contributing to a future where biology and robotics collaborate to solve some of humanity's most pressing challenges.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Bio-Inspired: Taking inspiration from nature, particularly from the behavior and organization of living organisms, to design and develop robotic systems.

Decentralized Control: Each robot in the swarm makes its own decisions based on local information and interactions with nearby robots, rather than following instructions from a central controller. It's like everyone in a team making decisions based on what's happening around them.

Communication: The exchange of information between robots within the swarm, which can be achieved through various methods such as wireless signals or physical interactions.

Aggregation: The process by which robots in a swarm gather together in a specific location, resembling the clustering behavior observed in some animal groups.

Emergent Behavior: Complex and intelligent behavior that arises from the interactions between individual robots in the swarm, without explicit programming for that behavior. It's like a flash mob forming spontaneously in a crowd.

Swarm Robotics: A field of robotics inspired by the collective behavior of social insects, where a large number of simple robots work together to accomplish tasks, mimicking the behavior of natural swarms.

Collective Intelligence: Refers to the ability of a group of robots to work together and achieve tasks that would be challenging or impossible for individual robots alone. It's like when a group of friends work together to solve a puzzle.

Foraging: A task where robots search for and collect resources within an environment, inspired by the way ants or bees gather food.

Obstacle Avoidance: The ability of robots to navigate around obstacles in their environment without colliding with them, similar to how animals maneuver through complex terrain.

Self-Organization: The ability of robots within a swarm to organize themselves without centralized control, much like how ants or bees collaborate without a central leader.

Dispersion: The spreading out of robots within a swarm, often used for exploration or to cover a wide area efficiently, similar to how birds disperse when searching for food.

Fault Tolerance: The ability of a swarm to continue functioning even if some of its individual robots fail or malfunction, ensuring robustness and resilience in the overall system. It's like a sports team still playing well even if one player is injured.

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