Perspectives on Diversity and Inclusion in Education

Perspectives on Diversity and Inclusion in Education

Cyd W. Nzyoka Yongo
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5705-4.ch017
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Diversity and inclusion are hot button topics globally, often conjuring up all manner of mixed emotions. The chapter explores the background of D&I through an analysis of the Brown v Board of Education of Topeka case of 1954, a landmark US Supreme Court ruling against racial and ethnic segregation in public schools. This exposed the ills of a non-inclusive society and the impact it presented to those who were marginalized, hence reinforcing the need for promoting diversity and inclusion to ensure more harmony among all types of people. Discussions also aim at understanding D&I in education, while exploring the various needs of students to ensure effective learning. The author also explores the benefits of D&I as well as considerations in teaching diverse learners. The chapter highlights trends touching on D&I such as hair discrimination and the LGBTQ group. Then it concludes with recommendations that all stakeholders may utilize for the purposes of increasing proficiency in D&I education that can be attained through education advancement in relevant programs.
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In all spheres, whether in the marketplace or in schools, Diversity, and Inclusion (D&I) are hot button topics globally, often conjuring up mixed emotions, perspectives, discussions, and even conflict sometimes. Its’ very nature demands that the matter is dissected, explored, and improved continuously. While D&I are mostly discussed in unison, the two concepts are not inter-changeable since they represent two varying notions, yet they complement each other. Diversity deals with the “what” while inclusion addresses the “how.” In a Scientific American Journal, Phillips (2014), posits that exposure to diversity alters the way individuals think by promoting creativity and innovation, including decision-making and problem-solving skills. Adding that diversity propels people into cognitive action in ways that homogeneity is incapable of doing.

Inclusion on the other hand is the practice or policy of providing equal accessibility to opportunities and resources for populations who might otherwise be excluded, neglected, or marginalized, such as members of the minority groups such as immigrants, refugees and/or those who have physical or mental disabilities (Phillips, 2014). In a nutshell, diversity refers to the characteristics and traits that make us unique, such as age, gender, ethnicity, religion among others. Whilst inclusion alludes to the behaviors and social norms that ensure people feel accepted, supported, and welcomed. Meanwhile it is safe to state that D&I is not region specific, and every nation can attest to having had to deal with these concepts more so in the recent years. In addition, the weightiness and magnitude of D&I has mandated that many countries employ strategies and create policies to ensure a smoother co-existence and functionality of its peoples (Terry, 2022). None-the-less this chapter will place a concise focus on D&I in the United States of America (USA).

Mainly because the expansiveness of this country, its wealth, its resources, it being the land of the free and home of the brave has made it by default or intentionally, by far the residence of choice for so many people from all walks of life or countries. As a result, due to the vast variations of the populations demographics, United States (US) can attest to dealing with D&I perspectives at a more extensive level than other nations. Therefore, this discussion is timely and beneficial at this point for all the relevant stakeholders such as teachers, students, parents, administrators, and policy makers.

Recent studies show that globally, USA is home to the highest number of immigrants in the world. Out of the 331.4 million USA population, approximately 50.6 million people equating to 15%, were born in a foreign country (Terry, 2022). The population of immigrants in US is incredibly diverse, with almost every continent and or country in the world represented among US immigrants. Evidently, the ever-changing dynamics in the world, due to wars, search for greener pastures, religious persecutions, pursuit for higher education among other reasons continues influencing the influx of immigrants in the US, among other western societies (Terry, 2022).

This scenario then begs for a continued in-depth understanding of D&I especially in the education sector, to ensure students are better prepared to function not only in the classroom among peers and teachers but also as adults in the global marketplace and their various communities. Diversity and inclusion are known to bring new perspectives into a classroom. Students of different genders, races, religions, ethnical backgrounds, and so forth, bring multiple insights and thoughts into a classroom (Phillips, 2014). As such classroom discussions and learning opportunities are not only enhanced but produces well-rounded views as well as enables students learn from each other and embrace the differences everyone brings to the table. It also allows students to see things in a new light, in a way that they may not have considered before. Attainment of this is possible from the elementary to the tertiary level, emphasizing the fact that new perspectives are important to learn at any age. Diversity among students in education directly impacts their performance. Studies show that students work better in a diverse environment, enabling them to concentrate, be positively competitive and push themselves further when there are individuals of different backgrounds working alongside them (Phillips, 2014).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Migratory: Moving from one place to another, which could refer to migratory workers or populations.

Civic Engagement Involves: Working to make a difference in the civic life of one’s community and developing the combination of knowledge, skills, values, and motivation to make that difference. This may include promoting the quality of life in a community via both political and non-political vehicles.

Perspectives: An individual’s views of an idea or of varied topics.

Kinesthetic Learning: This is where learning occurs through hands on experiences. Like learning how to bake a cake or fly a kite, the action is practically hands on.

Learning Disabilities: Are disorders that affect the ability to understand, or use spoken or written language, do mathematical calculations, coordinate movements, or direct attention. Although learning disabilities occur in very young children, the disorders are usually not recognized until the child reaches school age.

Diverse Learners: Include children and students of all ages, abilities from racially, ethnically, culturally, and linguistically diverse communities and backgrounds.

Citizenship: The status of being a citizen of a specific country, like USA.

Diversity: Is the state of being different from another based-on gender, age, race, nationality, or other difference.

Inclusion: Involves including people within a group and providing them all equal opportunities regardless of their diverseness.

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