Perspectives and Difficulties of Emerging Pedagogies in Tunisia During the Pandemic

Perspectives and Difficulties of Emerging Pedagogies in Tunisia During the Pandemic

Elhoucine Essefi, Soumaya Hajji
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 8
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9538-1.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Before the pandemic, digitalization has worldwide intentionally started to meet economic and social needs. Nonetheless, pandemic conditions made this transition towards digitalization mandatory. In education, it is expressed by emerging pedagogies dealing on remote online teaching. The use of emerging pedagogies has failed to reach pedagogical efficiency. This failure is related to causes related to teachers as well as their students. In the near and even the far future, pandemic conditions will shape the pedagogy by imposing remote online teaching. In Tunisia, in spite of the increasing digitalization of the Tunisian society, digitalization in education remains timid. But in the face of the emerging pandemic conditions, there is no choice but remote online teaching. Accordingly, to face emerging pandemic conditions, further studies would be relevant to promote digitalization.
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To evaluate the experience of online teaching, we should first enumerate factors implicated in the success of this emerging pedagogy. Then, an investigation of encountered difficulties in the Tunisian context proves vital to pinpoint causes of online teaching failure.

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