Open Source Implementation of Mobile Pair Programming for Java Programming Class

Open Source Implementation of Mobile Pair Programming for Java Programming Class

Copyright: © 2011 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60960-613-8.ch015
(Individual Chapters)
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Pair programming has been used to improve the learning of programming by many computer science educators. Implementing pair programming on the mobile learning platform can significantly improve the availability and collaboration between pair programming partners. This chapter explores a set of open source mobile technologies that can be used to implement mobile pair programming. It shows that mobile pair programming can be implemented entirely with open source or free software.
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Due to its ease of use, versatility, security, cross-platform capabilities, and multimedia features, Java as a programming language has been widely used in computing related curriculums (Klawonn, 2008). Java is often the choice for the courses such as introduction to programming, multimedia applications, Web development, operating systems, human computer interfaces, and so on.

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