Online Educator Preparation That Meets the Needs of Today's Early Childhood Professionals

Online Educator Preparation That Meets the Needs of Today's Early Childhood Professionals

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7468-6.ch053
(Individual Chapters)
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Online educator preparation can provide a useful format for the many early childhood professionals seeking to attain teacher licensure requiring a four-year college degree. Many candidates are adult students who need the flexibility that online courses can provide. The program in which the author teaches has demonstrated that an accredited and fully online early childhood undergraduate teacher education program leading to certification can be an effective way to prepare candidates. Early childhood teacher candidates who obtain a degree online attain competence in technology that enables them to better manage virtual instruction for their students.
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The concept of degree milestones is manageable for many adults employed in early childhood facilities and has been a recommendation from the field through the last decade (Lutton, 2011, 2013). The education of young children should be guided by consistent and appropriate preparation of early childhood professionals (Ranck, 2020). NAEYC and multiple other organizations supporting early childhood have developed a framework for what is required to become an effective early childhood teacher and provided a suggested pathway to get there. The Power to the Profession Task Force recently developed the Unifying Framework for the Early Childhood Education Profession (Power to the Profession Task Force, n.d.). It provides a clear and precise way to describe early childhood educator preparation in stages and at levels that are feasible for working adults to attain.

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