MEDIFY: A Healthcare Chatbot Using NLP

MEDIFY: A Healthcare Chatbot Using NLP

Sudha Senthilkumar, Subhro Mukherjee, Siddhant Jain, Yashvardhan Aditya
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1830-0.ch011
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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There is an increasing population in India, due to reduction in the death rate and growing pace in birth due to improvement in the medical field; however, the amounts of experts are fewer to serve the need of the growing people. The present circumstance can be witnessed while walking around the local organization medical facilities where the limited availability of the experts is the critical purpose leads to less to the patient's required treatment. To fulfill the need of the patients first aid support and redirect the patient to the correct expert based on their available location and time, intelligent chatbots are emerging requirement. The NLP integrated artificial intelligent based clinical chatbot simulates and processes patient conversation by making people interact with smart devices the way how they were make the conversation with doctors who are expert in the medical field. To achieve this, the system collects and stores the information in the web crawler such as Google to fetch the information as per the client request in the emergency situation. The proposed Medify chatbot uses the integration of Machine learning techniques and NLP with the web crawler Google to achieve a highly accurate, user-friendly interface.
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The necessity for a strong and exact assurance wakes the climb of one more period of clinical benefits advancement called the chatbot in medical. The rule considered creating this type of chatbot is to mirror a singular's discussion. It helps people with jumping next step into their indications and gives them the maximum dependable assurance possible. This kind of chatbot is also deals with continuously creating clinical request range, to grow its by and large immense wealth of clinical dominance. Regardless, it is practical to consider this changes from accounts utilizing computations through development enhancement (Vaddadi et al, 2021) (Nithyanandam et al, 2021)

Development intensification offers a technique for imagining these deviations by improving them and to remove captivating signs from these accounts, for instance, like heartbeat of human (Zahour, 2020). Due to the support of intelligent thinking of computerized world that leads to the support of including a high complexity mathematical computation that sequences input information to convey critical outcomes (Nadarzynski et al, 2019). Human-made knowledge has been used in medicine and different experimental benefits organizations like insightful imaging and innate examination, similarly as a clinical exploration place, screening, and prosperity exchanges (Cui et al, 2019) (Amama & Okengwu, 2023) (Hsu & Liao, 2022).

One of the utmost amazing known instances of chatbots in late history is Siri AI technique which is crucial for Apple's standard programming for its items. Siri was the mostly used AI in chatbot standard in 2011. From that point forward, products in each area have begun to utilize it, at last fostering a recent fad communication in client experience. This alludes to low level-customer involvement in which your cooperation with a firm or administration is computerized in view of client earlier conduct. Assuming customers are creating human-like consciousness applications like Alexa that empowers the utilization of sound to control gadgets. On the off chance that you are a client, you can as of now collaborate with this AI based chatbot on famous informing stages of various social media. (Okonkwo & Ade-Ibijola, 2021) (Pérez et al, 2020) (Čižmešija, 2021)

Chatbots are plays major role in medical industry and can assist to deal with medical issues. Wellbeing and wellness support related chatbots have started to acquire fame on the lookout. Earlier year Facebook has begun permitting medical care businesses to create their own messenger based chatbots to speak with clients. An incredible model is Health Tap the principal organization to deliver a wellbeing bot on the Messenger based chatbot (Park et al, 2020) (Zaib et al, 2022) (Schneider et al, 2024).

The present available chatbots are not much interactive in terms of giving prompt response to the patent query. In a significant number of the medical chatbots that we studied over, we could see that they were looks like making the inquiries and getting the replies you need to type the manifestations and will give output on that, and as we composed the side effects numerous multiple times the response was given very outrageous like assuming we guarantee that we have fever and migraine the response would be malignant growth or intestinal sickness or some significant infection, yes this indications are normal in numerous large illnesses at the same time, the response might startle the people in question. (Antony & Ramnath, 2023)

Key Terms in this Chapter

NLP: It is the computer software program developed to recognize the human spoken language and written language.

Gradient Descent: It is an optimization algorithm that helps to train machine learning models with the goal of minimizing errors between predicted and actual outputs.

Stochastic Gradient Descent: The optimization algorithm used in machine learning to identify the model parameters that represents the best fit between predicted and actual results.

Batch Gradient Descent: It computes the average gradient of the cost function for entire training records and updates the parameters in the reverse direction.

NLU: Natural Language Understanding is the branch of Artificial Intelligence which performs the process of recognizing the meaning of the text.

SVM: A support vector machine (SVM) is a type of supervised machine learning method used to solve classification and regression tasks.

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