Mass Media and Education

Mass Media and Education

İbrahim Sezgül
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3383-3.ch001
(Individual Chapters)
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This study mainly aims to analyze the relationship between mass media and education. The introduction part presents a brief explanation of what communication, mass communication, mass media television and radio, the internet, social media, and Whatsapp. In the second part, the use of those media tools in education and their effects on people's behaviors are discussed. In the following part, the relationship between mass media and education, the role of mass media in education, and also the educator, teacher, and administration roles are explained. Corporate communication in education and its importance are emphasized, and finally, negative and positive effects of main mass media on shaping behaviors of the target audience are discussed.
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It is a known fact that there is a relationship between mass media and education and so the youth. The study by Kocabaş (2002) indicated that the most important institutions affecting the youth were family, media and school respectively. In this sense, it can be said that communication plays a crucial role in the learning process and for educational administration. So, before discussing the relationship between media and education, it is useful to clarify the main issues briefly.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Mass Media: Mass communication tools.

Mass Communication Tools: The tools which can be used for mass communication process.

Education: The desired change in action and thought as a result of physical and mental processes.

Mass Communication: The transmission of various messages to crowded human communities called mass, through images, videos, audios and letters by using various technological tools (TV, radio, internet, etc.).

Mass Education: Educating in a macro level (big crowd).

Communication: It is the completion of the process by converting the emotions and thoughts of a sender into codes and transmitting the messages to the receiver through various channels and sending the responses of the recipient to this message in a similar way to the sender.

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