Machine Learning Application for Evidence Image Enhancement

Machine Learning Application for Evidence Image Enhancement

Sampangirama Reddy B. R., Ashendra Kumar Saxena, Binay Kumar Pandey, Sachin Gupta, Shashikala Gurpur, Sukhvinder Singh Dari, Dharmesh Dhabliya
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8618-4.ch003
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Taking into account the uses of ML in the field of vision, many practical vision systems' first processing stages include enhancing or reconstructing images. The goal of these tools is to enhance the quality of photos and give accurate data for making decisions based on appearance. In this research study, the authors examine three distinct types of neural networks: convolutional networks, residual networks, and generative countermeasure networks. There is a proposal for a model structure of a scalable supplementary generation network as part of a network that enhances evidence images as a generative countermeasure. The authors present the objective loss function definition, as well as the periodic consistency loss and the periodic perceptual consistency loss analysis. An in-depth solution framework for picture layering is offered once the problem's core aspects are explained. This approach implements multitasking with the help of adaptive feature learning, this provides a strong theoretical guarantee.
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1. Introduction

Images have become an integral part of contemporary life due to the wealth of information they hold & the vital role they play in the dissemination of that information. Image-based target categorization and identification are only two examples of the many computer vision-related applications that are continually appearing because of the fast growth of deep learning technology (Babu, S.Z.D., et al, 2022). While smartphone cameras continue to improve in quality, the one employed for this study has obvious drawbacks. The environmental effect is frequently the reason why the camera's acquired photos don't fulfill the standards of this study (Nassa V. K., 2021). It's up to the computer to fix the broken scene back to normal. All too often, photographs in need of restoration suffer from artifacts like noise or insufficient detail (Bhattacharya, S., et al, 2021). Images are the primary way in which a vision system gathers data; nevertheless, low-quality photos gathered without the necessary information input may reduce the efficiency and precision of a computer vision system (Dushyant, K., et al, 2022). Thus, the method of enhancement processing for damaged photos warrants special attention. Models are selected by incorporating them into some different deep-learning models. Compute an average estimate by adding together the findings of all of the predictors. If the individual models are robust, then the combined impact of using widely varied network topologies and technologies will be more reliable. Contrarily, you may perform experiments backward and forward as well. The network model is reset at the start of each training session, and the final weight converges to a new value every time. The algorithm's limited generalization power may be circumvented by repeatedly using this procedure to construct several network models & afterward combining prediction results from these models. (Gupta, A., et al, 2019)

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