Integrating Climate Change Education Into the Curriculum in Kenya

Integrating Climate Change Education Into the Curriculum in Kenya

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 22
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9099-0.ch002
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


The effects of climate change are a major global concern. In Kenya, the impact of climate change has been felt in perennial droughts which sometimes result into conflict as communities fight for pasture and water. In a bid to address climate change issues, Kenya has developed policies that focus on mitigation and adaptation measures borrowed from ideas outlined in global climate change strategies. One such strategy is the employment of education as a tool to create awareness on climate change issues. This chapter will examine the climate change policies developed by bodies in charge of higher education in Kenya. The chapter will further analyze attempts that have been made to integrate climate change education into curricula. In addition, the chapter will trace the history of discourse that saw the introduction of climate change education in institutions of higher learning. Finally, the chapter will analyze pedagogical strategies that can be employed in teaching climate change content.
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The impact of climate change has been a matter of public discourse in Kenya for a long time. In the 1980s, Kenya’s then president, the late Daniel Arap Moi led citizens in building gabions to fight soil erosion. Subjects that comprised topics on conservation and soil erosion were taught in primary schools and songs creating awareness about environmental concerns were composed and popularized during national events. Besides the government, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have also been major players in the promotion of environmental conservation. One such NGO is the Green Belt Movement founded by Professor Wangari Maathai in 1977 ( Other strategies that have been used to promote environment conservation in Kenya have included the removal of communities that encroach on forest land.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Higher Education: Education that is given by universities and other tertiary institutions.

Sustainability: Efforts geared towards ensuring that everyday activities promote the preservation and conservation of the environment.

Environmental Conservation: Strategies directed towards protection of environmental resources.

Climate Change Adaptation: Efforts directed towards mitigating consequences of climate change.

Kenyan Curriculum: Syllabus used to teach in Kenyan institutions of higher learning.

Pedagogy: Teaching methods used to give instruction to students.

Climate Change Education: Education geared towards creating awareness about the causes of climate change, exposing the consequences of climate change and adopting relevant adaptation strategies.

Climate Change: Long-term environmental changes that are to a large extent caused by human activities.

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