Infrastructure Potential and Human-Centric Strategies in the Context of Industry 5.0

Infrastructure Potential and Human-Centric Strategies in the Context of Industry 5.0

Priti Kumari, Abhishek Anand, Pushkar Praveen, Agya Ram Verma, Abhishek Godiyal
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0782-3.ch012
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Moving from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0 represents a significant shift in manufacturing, focusing on human collaboration, customization, and sustainability instead of just automation and digitization. Industry 5.0 brings substantial advancements that reshape the industrial landscape. This chapter examines the transition, emphasizing the importance of infrastructure, ethical concerns, and future implication. Industry 5.0 relies on a robust infrastructure, blending physical and digital elements to enable advanced technology integration. It places human-centric strategies at its core, emphasizing human interaction, well-being, and skill development. The synergy between infrastructure and human-centric approaches is pivotal for Industry 5.0's success, enabling ergonomic workplaces, seamless human-machine collaboration, data access, and customization. Simultaneously, human-centric strategies prioritize collaboration, skill development, and ethical considerations, fostering a harmonious synergy.
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An industrial revolution represents a profound and radical transformation in how industries and economies function, propelled by substantial advancements in technology, socio-economic factors, and cultural developments. These revolutions demarcate unique historical epochs distinguished by revolutionary alterations in the methods of production, economic frameworks, and the fabric of societies. Madsen D.O, et al. (2021) in his article explained that each industrial revolution ushers in novel technologies, methodologies, and approaches to organizing labor, ushering in profound alterations across multiple facets of human existence and industrial activities. The advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution laid the foundation for the emergence of Industry 4.0, ushering in a new era where industries undergo transformation through the seamless integration of digitalization and automation (Ghobakhloo M. et al, 2021). However, the trajectory has shifted, giving birth to Industry 5.0, where the emphasis on human interaction and collaboration takes center stage (Coelho P. et al., 2023). The importance of embracing a value-centered and ethical approach to technology engineering within the context of Industry 5.0 is highlighted by findings from a survey involving leaders across diverse companies. Proposing the Value Sensitive Design (VSD) framework as a systematic methodology, it illustrates how technologies fostering human-machine collaboration in the Factory of the Future can be developed to align with human values. Industry 5.0 signifies a notable progression from Industry 4.0, presenting a spectrum of advantages that build upon the established foundations (Longo F., et al., 2020). While Industry 4.0 revolutionized industries through automation and data-driven processes, Industry 5.0 takes this transformation a step further by placing a renewed focus on human interaction, collaboration, and value creation. With a strong emphasis on the convergence of digital innovation and human-centric approaches, Industry 5.0 transcends its predecessors by aligning technology with the genuine needs and aspirations of humanity. Industry 5.0 serves as a transformative revolution that seeks to enhance human-machine interactions for improved efficiency and swifter outcomes. This era heralds a new age of customization and offers solutions to intricate challenges. Leveraging digital technologies, it revolutionizes manufacturing by automating repetitive tasks and employing human intelligence to grasp the operator's needs. Furthermore, it harnesses the power of machine learning and artificial intelligence to analyze manufacturing data (Javaid M., et al. (2020)). At the heart of this paradigm shift lie the profound possibilities within infrastructure development and the holistic strategies that prioritize human well-being.

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