How Is a Country Image and Identitiy Construction Reflected via Discourses in Press?

How Is a Country Image and Identitiy Construction Reflected via Discourses in Press?

Emel Özdemir
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 10
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1041-4.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter is aimed to put the matter of how is a country image able to be constructed in hand through the medium of the online press, by evaluating The New York Times (USA), The Daily Express (England), Spiegel Online International (Germany), and Le Monde Diplomatique (France) in terms of “Turkish image and identity” throughout four months (January-April) in 2019. The author uses Van Dijk's discourse analysis approach that is based on two main principles, macro and micro discourse analysis, and the content analysis technique. It is possible with this evaluation to determine how Turkish image and identity is established and what kinds of images, expressions, and representations are used by the foreign press, as well as their approach to Turkish identity.
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The Aim Of The Study

The aim of this study is to demonstrate how Turkey is described and which images, expressions and representations are used for Turkey in the online newspapers of “The New York Times (USA), The Daily Express (England), Spiegel Online International (Germany) and Le Monde Diplomatique (France)”. Therefore, we are able to understand how Turkish image is established and what kinds of images and expressions and representations are used by four newspapers. In this analysis, it is aimed see how the position of Turkey is created by the discources of the newspapers in various societies and whether Turkish image has been started to change with the globalization in some ways, or not.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Turkish Image: The significant examples of image from this study is evaluated to be able to see the words, images, phrases, photographs are used to reproduce the reality of Turkey image and Turkish people.

Foreign Press: All the news, images, expressions and representations about Turkey in foreign press directly affect the perception and position of Turkey. To be able to assess the Turkish image that is constructed in the globalized world, analyzing all the news in the foreign press is so significant.

Discourse Analysis: It is possible to make out how the position of Turkey is created by the discourses of the newspapers in various societies and whether Turkish image has been started to change with the globalization in some ways, or not, by using discourse analysis. As discourse analysis is a field that is concerned with studying and analyzing written and spoken texts, it is aimed to understand the thoughts and ideologies about Turkey.

Globalization: Today, the concept of globalization is seen as a situation which causes various comments by making many different definitions about it. With the globalization, new trends and changes have taken place in many areas in the world and the world has become a global environment where different cultures live together.

Otherness: It is understood that all people need “the other”, while building their identity and their positioning in the society. People need to “other” to know and describe themselves.

Identity Construction: The Identity is one of our most basic reference point. Any description that is made about a person will refer to his identity. The identity, which is the basic element of our own system of meaning the world enables us to interpret other people.

The Content Analysis Technique: The content analysis can be defined as a set of methodological tools and techniques that apply a wide variety of discourses. The content analysis is as a systematic procedure, developed to examine the content of recorded information.

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