Harnessing Digital Transformation: A Pathway to Achieving the 2030 UNSDGs and Ensuring Sustainable Corporate Performance

Harnessing Digital Transformation: A Pathway to Achieving the 2030 UNSDGs and Ensuring Sustainable Corporate Performance

Muhammad Rafiq, Omkar Dastane, Irfan Hameed, Arsalan Mujahid Ghouri
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-5375-2.ch011
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This chapter explores the essential intersection of digital transformation and sustainability within the context of contemporary business enterprises. It is based on the urgent need for the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) 2030, and it underscores the transformative potential of digital technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, and blockchain in reshaping sustainable business practices. This focuses on the switch from traditional, profit-driven models to models that prioritize people, profits, and the planet. The critical conclusion is the emancipation of stakeholders who have evolved from being passive receivers of CSR activities to become active collaborators in sustainability initiatives enabled by digital advances. In addition to that, the barriers that naturally occur because of the digital divide and ethical hurdles must be collectively resolved. Ultimately, it reverts back to the narrow, yet arduous path that leads to the shared value; cooperation and innovation as a way forward to a sustainable digital future.
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The Dawn Of Digital Transformation: An Overview

The wave of digital transformation has significantly changed the business environment, with a universal impact on all sectors, from manufacturing to consumer goods and beyond. It goes beyond simply integrating technology into businesses. It' is also a total restructuring of organizational practices, processes, and long-term strategies. Leading academics such as Westerman, Bonnet, and McAfee (2014) considered digital transformation to be the meta-modernization of how businesses work, the methodologies and modes of operation, the solutions and know-how, and the frameworks and connections they can use to accomplish them, all while maximizing the revolutionary potential and its ending social effects. A fusion of modern systems, exploiting big data, machine learning, cloud infrastructures, and IoT, to transform every course of business or increase the value proposition for your customers.

Looking into the evolution of digital transformation, it is clear that it is far more than just a fad or a buzzword. It represents an adaptable tactic to a technology environment that's always evolving. Billions of citizens are linked to the web, everyone carries a whole world super-computerized in their pocket, and trade has become global and digital. All of this has commanded us to waste for your old way of doing industry. The Fourth Industrial revolution is a term formulated by Schwab and Samans (2016) and they have got a definition that is impossible to beat. They say we were beginning an age where real, digital, and biological reality merge. And this method is going to modify culture, we all live, and the things we make; work and life will no longer be seen as distinct regions. Enterprises in every business have to pony up or face decline. But it is not just a life-or-death decision for firms. This is an era of unparalleled growth opportunities. Folks, the race is on and it is a bigger now than you can probably think. We must invest in technology, in educating people, and in learning to change the way we do work. We are ready to be an agile, crucial organization. The rewards, meanwhile, are great. Prising, Sorenson, and Weinelt (2018) have demonstrated in their report that companies that engage in digital transformation are 23 percent more profitable and 23 percent more future-proof than their less well adapted to colleagues.

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