Green Energy Supply for Sustainable Tourism Accommodation Center in Smart City

Green Energy Supply for Sustainable Tourism Accommodation Center in Smart City

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 33
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2113-3.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
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The idea of sustainability means addressing current requirements without jeopardising future generations' capacity to meet their own. It is a guiding concept for building a world in which present and future generations may flourish. In the present era all the sectors are shifting towards sustainable development, including the tourism sector, which is another significant contributor towards country's economic development. This chapter deals with power generation using renewable energy for sustainability in tourist resorts and hotels. The adaptation of green energy or renewable energy by the government, businesses, and individuals is increasing for the transition to a more sustainable environment. This chapter is focused on the world heritage site ‘Nalanda', located near Rajgir, in the state of Bihar, which is a tourist destination and attracts a large number of tourists. Thus being a tourist destination, the hotels and resorts located nearby must adopt sustainable practices. Nowadays many tourists prefer those hotels and resorts that offer them a sustainable living. Bihar is a region with small hills, including the Rajgir hills in the centre, the Kaimur Range in the southwest, and the Shivalik Range in the north, which makes it suitable for wind turbine set up and the abundant availability of sunlight throughout the year makes it ideal for setting up of PV. A power plant is being developed in a village called Kulin the Nalanda district, using HOMER Pro software taking wind and solar as the sources for generation of electricity which can be supplied there through grid to the resorts and hotels.
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Tourist resorts and hotels, as significant actors in the tourism industry, play an important role, and their expansive infrastructures and high energy consumption contribute to environmental deterioration on a constant basis. Resorts and hotels rely heavily on traditional energy sources, i.e., energy generated using fossil fuels, which not only depletes fossil fuels but also emits greenhouse gases, which contribute to environmental pollution and climate change, resulting in a decrease in tourists. Nalanda being a UNESCO World Heritage Site with beautiful ruins and serene ambiance of the great Nalanda University, which was considered one of the greatest centres of learning in the ancient world. Agriculture and tourism are the main sources of economy in which majority of population is engaged. Tourism is strongly established, with thousands of visitors going to the ruins of Nalanda University, Rajgir, and Pawapuri. Rajgir was the initial capital of the Magadh Empire. Buddha has spent years at this location. It is surrounded by five hills and offers breathtaking views. Pawapuri, Mahavir's Nirwana location, is a sacred site for Jains. The power plant is being set up in Nalanda near the highway, NH 82, in the surroundings of the village Kul which is having a population of near about 3,224 with a total geographical area of 290 hectares. The idea behind this paper is to supply power generated by the renewable sources to the hotels and resorts that are located in proximity to Nalanda like Nirpur, Kul, Rajgir, and Bargaon and also if needed can be supplied to the surrounding villages. Setting up a power plant not only benefits by supplying electricity but also helps in providing employment for the people living there. At first the block diagram of the plant using HOMER pro software is made and the required data is manipulated for desired output. This research has highlighted the advantages of sustainable practices along with its applications in a variety of fields, including energy policy formation, investment choices, infrastructure planning, environmental impact assessment, technology innovation, community participation and education, and economic growth. In conclusion, as the tourist sector has grown rapidly in recent years, and with the concept of green energy in mind, the integration of renewable energy sources in resorts appears as a critical approach for achieving sustainability. The creation of entirely solar-powered towns in every state would, in the opinion of specialists at The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), support the development of state market systems that foster economic growth. This strategy has the potential to grow into a solar movement because success in one city will lead to opportunities in other places (India Brand Equity Foundation, 2021).

This research sheds light on the benefits, challenges, and real-world applications of harvesting renewable energy, with the objective of inspiring others to adopt environmentally responsible practices in the tourist sector in order to preserve our planet.

Paper Layout: The study is organised as follows: the issue statement comes first, followed by an evaluation of the site's potential, a review of the literature and research gaps, mathematical modelling, system modelling, component descriptions, and power demand estimates. The study has finally come to an end with conclusion.

Problem Statement

This study is mainly concerned to maximize the utilization of renewable energy sources by focusing on the power supply in tourism sector. For the hotels and resorts in Nalanda, the HOMER pro simulation analysis is conducted. Analyzing optimization is done in following stages:

  • − technical viability study

  • − economical feasibility evaluation

  • − environmental impact reduction

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