From Code to Care and Navigating Ethical Challenges in AI Healthcare

From Code to Care and Navigating Ethical Challenges in AI Healthcare

Sourav Madhur Dey, Pushan Kumar Dutta
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2647-3.ch009
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Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a transformative force in the healthcare industry, offering unprecedented opportunities for improved diagnostics, patient treatment, and outcomes. However, its integration into healthcare systems has also brought to light a host of ethical concerns that require careful scrutiny. This chapter delves into the intricate nexus of ethics and AI in healthcare, shedding light on the multifaceted implications and challenges that arise. AI technologies such as machine learning (ML) and data analytics (DS) have immense potential to revolutionize healthcare. They can enhance diagnostic accuracy, enable the treatment of a larger number of patients, and improve patient outcomes. However, their implementation is not without ethical quandaries. These primarily revolve around data privacy, bias mitigation, transparency, responsibility, and patient independence. Transparency and interpretability are other essential aspects of the ethical discourse surrounding AI in healthcare.
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The expeditious progression of artificial intelligence (AI) has inaugurated a novel epoch in the realm of healthcare. AI technologies are being incorporated into diverse domains of healthcare, encompassing diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, administrative functions, and patient-centered services. Although these advancements exhibit significant potential for enhancing patient outcomes and optimizing healthcare efficiency, they also present substantial ethical dilemmas. This article aims to examine the ethical considerations associated with artificial intelligence (AI) in the healthcare sector. It will utilize a comprehensive analysis of existing literature to offer valuable perspectives on the intricate realm of AI ethics within this specific field. The healthcare industry is undergoing a significant transformation due to the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI), which is altering the methods employed by medical practitioners in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of diseases. Artificial intelligence (AI) exhibits significant potential for improving healthcare outcomes; nevertheless, it also introduces a multitude of ethical dilemmas that necessitate comprehensive scrutiny and deliberate resolutions. This article presents an extensive examination of the ethical intricacies associated with artificial intelligence (AI) in the healthcare sector, offering insights into the diverse aspects of this significant matter.

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