Digital Transformation and Business Intelligence (BI) in the Industry 4.0 (I 4.0) Age

Digital Transformation and Business Intelligence (BI) in the Industry 4.0 (I 4.0) Age

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1210-0.ch002
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It is crucial to investigate novel methods for handling the rapidly growing volume of data produced by Industry 4.0 (I4.0), Society 5.0 (S5.0), and IoTs (internet of things). Digital solutions are becoming essential for ensuring that the process continues unhindered and for giving prompt responses. To evaluate and conclude the vast amounts of data generated in this intelligent society, newer information technologies are required. Consisting of optimization, modeling, and data mining, BI is a bundle of technology for multi-dimensional analysis to obtain meaningful data and information from big data without the need for business analysts, professionals, or any trained experts. It consists of optimization, modeling, and data mining. This chapter aims to provide an overview of business intelligence, including its components, varieties, and practical uses in the context of the digital ecosystem. Following an explanation of the BI theoretical framework, four case studies from various industries will be covered, followed by empirical research.
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New ideas for Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0 emerged due to the need to discover fresh approaches to the exponentially growing amount of data being generated by IoTs (Internet of Things). Digital solutions become essential in order to offer immediate answers that improve analysis and uninterrupted process maintenance.

Through the use of smart technologies, civilization quickly advanced from I 3.0 (Industry 3.0) to I 5.0 (Industry 5.0), becoming an extremely intelligent society. Later on, further technologies were added to Information Technology (IT) and Information Systems (IS) to keep relevant data and aid in decision-making. The center of this ecosystem is BI. It is acknowledged that Business Intelligence (BI) is the use of technology for data analysis (Howson, 2003). IT&IS is now a more dynamic system with BI than it was before, offering more immediate answers. The key here is using smart technology to extract relevant information from huge data to provide a real-time solution. This clever process is known as business intelligence (BI), and it serves as the primary tool for gathering, evaluating, reporting, and disseminating important data for decision support systems.

Although BI is commonly misinterpreted as Business Analytics (BA), it is not. BA is a subset of BI in the broadest sense. As part of this ecosystem, BA employs express analytical tools and procedures, whereas BI is composed of strategies, tools, and technology (Ng & Nagalingham, 2023). Stated differently, business analytics (BA) uses data interpretation methodologies to prepare the firm for action.

BI has a layered architecture including data, logic, and access/interface. In the data layer, data from many sources (external and internal) are collected and sorted for subsequent analysis. All stakeholders want to access data because businesses implement open-source data policies due to their transparent management approach. Besides, digitalization efforts, where objects and people are connected from everywhere via the internet, cause the production of a lot of mass data: big data. To access this mass of data, businesses save it in their databases to prevent data from being lost in the data layer. The second layer of BI is logic. In this part of BI, analytical processes for data such as extracting from the main data warehouse, loading to internal data warehouse or datamarts, transforming to meaningful and useful information, and inferring to achieve knowledge are carried out. The main elements are data warehouses, datamarts, ETL, OLAP tools, etc. for this layer. The last layer, access/interface, stands for a visual representation of the results. In this layer, there exist tools such as reports, dashboards, graphs, and tables that will allow the user to easily read the results.

Web 3.0 technologies create an immersive, 3D, and End-to-end (E2E) environment for businesses and customers. In this connected internet ecosystem, the internet service quality such as speed, and ubiquitousness become important. Real-time data analysis and instant solutions are the main facilitators of this ecosystem. Real-time data and solutions are also the main handicap within the BI context. ETL is a tool that allows you to extract, clean, and analyze data by dividing it into smaller, more meaningful pieces. The ability to perform all these ETL operations instantly and at a speed close to real-time plays an important role in the success of BI. The scholars are mainly focused on real-time solutions for BI.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the main facilitator for instantaneous solutions on BI. It is possible to make meaningful inferences from data thanks to deep learning, machine learning, and heuristic algorithms of artificial intelligence that solve problems in a very short time. Due to the ability to learn & and understand from the past, extract meaningful knowledge, and quickly respond AI is the main assistance in the decision-making process within the context of BI.

Key Terms in this Chapter

ETL: The abbreviation of Extract, Transform, Load. ETL is preparing and integrating the operational data.

OLAP: The abbreviation of Online Analytical Processing. OLAP is a multidimensional modeling tool to captures the structure of the real-time data for further analysis to help decision-makers.

Datamarts: Are the subset or small group of data warehouses.

ES: The abbreviation of Expert System. The software system for solving problems or making decisions based on rules.

IoTs: The Internet of Things (IoTs). The state of physical objects after connecting to the internet through sensors and actuators

Real-Time Data: The data created instantaneously from the system.

ERP: The abbreviation of Enterprise Resource Planning. ERP is an integrated software that enables the effective and efficient use of labor, materials, machinery, etc. required for the production of goods and services in businesses and enables joint work between departments.

I 4.0: The industry 4.0. the fourth industrial revolutions, the collection IoTs that create a cyber physical ecosystem.

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