Digital Health Communication With Artificial Intelligence-Based Cyber Security

Digital Health Communication With Artificial Intelligence-Based Cyber Security

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8938-3.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
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Digital health communication (DHC) has become an increasingly popular domain of the healthcare industry, enabling effective and efficient communication between healthcare providers, patients, and other stakeholders. However, the growing importance of digital platforms and the exchange of sensitive health information also present cybersecurity challenges. This chapter explains the utilization of AI-based cybersecurity in DHC to enhance security and protect patient privacy. Artificial intelligence (AI) plays an important role in cybersecurity by enabling advanced threat detection, rapid response, and intelligent risk management. AI algorithms can analyze large amounts of data, identify patterns, and detect potential security breaches or malicious activities in real-time. By adding AI-based cybersecurity solutions, DHC platforms can enhance their security measures and protect sensitive patient data. In DHC, AI-based cybersecurity can be utilized to ensure secure data transmission and storage.
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1. Introduction

1.1 Overview of Digital Health Communications

Digital Health Communications refers to the use of digital technologies, such as mobile devices, social media, websites, and health apps, to communicate health information, provide healthcare delivery, and support patient engagement (Denecke & Nejdl, 2019). It encompasses a wide range of communication activities aimed at promoting health, preventing diseases, and improving healthcare outcomes. Here's an overview of DHC:

  • Health Information Dissemination: Digital platforms provide an efficient means of sharing health information with the public. Healthcare organizations, government agencies, and public health bodies use websites, blogs, social media, and mobile apps to distribute educational materials, news updates, and preventive health guidelines. This enables widespread access to timely and accurate health information.

  • Telemedicine and Telehealth: DHC has revolutionized healthcare delivery by enabling remote consultations and telemedicine services. Patients can connect with healthcare professionals through video calls, chat platforms, or mobile apps, allowing for convenient access to medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment plans. Telehealth also enables remote monitoring of patients' health parameters, enhancing chronic disease management and reducing hospital visits.

  • Health Behavior Change: Digital technologies offer innovative ways to promote positive health behaviors and encourage behavior change. Mobile apps and wearable devices track individuals' physical activity, sleep patterns, and nutrition, providing personalized feedback and incentives to promote healthier lifestyles. Social media platforms and online communities provide peer support and motivation for individuals striving to adopt healthier behaviors.

  • Patient Engagement and Empowerment: DHC empowers patients by providing them with access to their health records, test results, and personalized health information. Patient portals and secure messaging systems allow patients to communicate with their healthcare providers, ask questions, request prescription refills, and schedule appointments. This enhances patient engagement, fosters shared decision-making, and improves healthcare outcomes.

  • Health Campaigns and Social Marketing: Digital platforms play a vital role in disseminating health campaigns and social marketing initiatives. Organizations consider social media channels and online advertising to raise awareness about health issues, promote preventive measures, and encourage individuals to adopt healthy behaviors. Social marketing campaigns often utilize storytelling, visuals, and interactive content to engage and educate target audiences.

  • Health Education and Training: DHC supports health education initiatives by providing e-learning platforms, webinars, and online courses. Healthcare professionals can access continuing education modules, medical literature, and research publications through digital channels. These platforms provide ongoing professional development, knowledge sharing, and collaboration among healthcare providers.

  • Health Data Collection and Research: Digital health technologies generate large amounts of data that can be used for research and population health monitoring. Aggregated and anonymized data collected from mobile apps, wearable devices, and electronic health records enable epidemiological studies, health surveillance, and the identification of public health trends (Bavota et al., 2016; Tran et al., 2018). This data-driven approach can inform evidence-based interventions and public health policies.

  • Health Communication Campaign Evaluation: Digital platforms provide tools for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of health communication campaigns. Analytical tools track website traffic, social media engagement, and user interactions with digital health resources. This data helps assess the reach, impact, and effectiveness of communication strategies, allowing for iterative improvements and better targeting of interventions.

Figure 1.

Pipeline of smart heath


Hence, DHC has the potential to bridge gaps in healthcare access, promote health literacy, and empower individuals to take control of their health. However, it is important to address issues in smart health/ digital health (refer figure 1) such as privacy, data security, and the digital divide to ensure equitable access to digital health resources and maximize the benefits of this evolving field.

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