Diabetes Tracker and Volunteer+ Software Engineering for Sustainability

Diabetes Tracker and Volunteer+ Software Engineering for Sustainability

Joao Torres, David Julio, Clara Silveira, Leonilde Reis
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9227-4.ch011
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In a world where sustainability is increasingly important, we must look for ways to promote it; the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) fulfill this function. In software engineering, one of the main challenges for the success of a software solution is to achieve sustainability. This chapter introduces the development of two mobile applications on Android: Diabetes Tracker and Volunteer+ that are inspired by the SDGs, incorporating the principles and dimensions of the Karlskrona Manifesto in relation to the software development phases. In this investigation, a customized adaptation of the Scrum agile methodology was used, with a concern to promote software engineering for sustainability. To achieve this end, an iterative approach is used, allowing the principles of the manifesto to be crossed to emphasize the various dimensions of sustainability. The main results can be seen in the applications developed, specifically to facilitate the control of the diabetes disease and promote quality health, as well as enhance the participation of citizens by promoting volunteering.
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One of the most relevant themes, currently, on a Global scale is the theme of Sustainability, be it Economic, Environmental, Social, Human or Technical Sustainability. The 17 SDGs (Figure 1) define global priorities and aspirations for 2030 and require global action by governments, businesses, and civil society to eradicate poverty create and a life with dignity and opportunities for all, within the limits of the planet (UNDP, 2015). Indeed, the SDGs can and should be applied to promote the sustainability of information systems, software development processes and contribute to various axes to enhance the use of technologies for people (Silveira & Reis, 2021).

Figure 1.

Sustainable development goals

Source: (UNDP, 2015)

Key Terms in this Chapter

Karlskrona Manifesto: Establishes the principles and dimensions for the design of sustainable software systems.

Information Systems: Is the organized set of components such as people, processes of collection and transmission of data and material resources, automated or manual. The interaction of components enhances the processing and dissemination of information.

Sustainability: Ability to sustain life on the planet, considering the five dimensions: individual, social, economic, technical, and environmental.

Requirements Analysis: Iterative process to identify features and restrictions with a view to developing or changing a software product. Usually use cases are used.

Agile Software Development: Software development process that favors direct communication between all stakeholders and simplifies documentation.

Software Systems Development: Set of activities involved in the production of software. These activities are related to each other in an iterative and incremental process.

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