Critiquing the Psychological Inflexibility and the Politics of Pain in Woke Politics and Neoliberalism's Moral Governance: Genesis v Gehenna III

Critiquing the Psychological Inflexibility and the Politics of Pain in Woke Politics and Neoliberalism's Moral Governance: Genesis v Gehenna III

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4808-3.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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In this thought-provoking chapter, the author explores the concept of psychological inflexibility, highlighting its presence not only in far-right and far-left ideologies but also in woke politics and neoliberalism. So the author delves into the dangerous consequences of inflexible commitment to ideas that prioritise political or economic gain over ethical considerations, perpetuating inequalities and injustices. It also means a critique of the abuse of intersectionality theory and the creation of a human pyramid that transvalues Jim Crow WASP America. The author concludes by cautioning against the narrow definition of morality and the dangers of technological and financial moguls leading the way in moral governance. Instead, lesser social and economic stakeholders should take the lead in shaping a win-win deal before the present political complexity and geopolitical stage.
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Fuzzy Psychological Inflexibility And Postmodern Politics Of Pain

Psychological inflexibility is by no means a monopoly of old far-right and far-left, Juches, Unabombers, capital cronies and chauvinist people at large but also belongs to woke politics and neoliberals. Their inflexible commitment to ideas that allegedly seek to drastically improve society is exactly the same. If the markets-over-the-people ideology reduces the value of life to a simple economic calculation first and political power then, wokism reduces the value of life to a simple political calculation first and monetary gains then. Neoliberals enjoy the status quo granted by the state that publicly they despise. In turn, Wokes obtain money from the taxes paid by those middle-class men who publicly scorn, especially if White. It’s a vicious circle in which the people who have neither influence nor money, regardless of any condition, will have less and less everyday and, in exchange, only will get broken promises of freedom and equity.

Abusing intersectionality theory and perverting Popperian open society ideals, wokism has created a human pyramid with the more politically victimised minorities and historically disadvantaged identities on top and the historically advantaged and privileged minorities in the bottom. Wokism is nothing but the transvaluation of Jim Crow WASP America just like Christianism was the transvaluation of Roman values and it’s extremely likely to have analogous results for the American Empire. Just like Hirohito or the big lead poisoning firms owners that neglected human life value without being punished, wokism doesn’t lack impunity either.

The true mark of political power is committing crimes with impunity.

Of course, impunity needs a tight mass control -don’t miss with controlling incivility and vandalism (Lozano Rodríguez & Choclán Roca, 2019). In the markets-over-people ideology it is obtained through the ownership of media. On the woke side, in turn, it’s obtained via social media censorship and cyber bullying. But also infiltrating activists (nuns and inquisitors at the same time) in formerly WASP media. It can be seen in Disney, the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Hollywood at large. In this case, wokism is overtly and nauseatingly racist and sexist. For example, the woke publication The Cut shared a video in which a bunch of non-white people ranted about Whites as superior in pretending bravery, ignorance, stealing, genocide and being “a dick” in general.1 Well, you can find an only-Boer city in South Africa called Orania where statues of apartheid architects enjoy a reserved place, I mean historical figures who represent the worst of Western European ethnicity after WW2 along with the US Jim Crows and their dictadores exposed in a good light.2 Notwithstanding, there is a Berkeley University off-Campus in the US core where White people are banned and scorned, insulted and called racists and homophobes only due to their skin colour (Nerozzi, 2022). Even if the White supremacists, who actually are a fringe fraction of all Caucasian admixture, enjoy a bigger real world community in Orania, Black-self-labelled supremacists and anti-White racists have a bigger community in main social media, where White supremacists are quickly banished to shitty forums. For example, Ayo Kimathi, a US Department of Home Security officer was not fired at the spot after his anti-White and antisemitic stand-up racist rant calling for genocide became viral (Terry, 2013). Rather than this, he was being paid over $115.000 a year from the taxpayers’ money during four months before being fired.3 It happened in 2014, today DHS wouldn't have fired him anyways. On the other extreme of the rope, in 2020, Emmanuel Cafferty was expeditiously fired from his job mapping underground utility lines for making the OK gesture with the hand, which was then trendy as a white supremacist symbol (Castañares, 2021). The firm where Emmanuel worked, SDG&E, never gave his job back even after the moron who started the cancellation in Twitter recognized that it hasn’t racist intentions. But his name was linked to this pic and Emmanuel couldn’t find a job because every time a potential employer looked for info about him on the Internet, he appeared as a notorious racist.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Corruption: The relation whereby the worshipping of privileges is learned” (Lozano Rodríguez, 2021).

Biocitizenship: The rights, responsibilities, and social belonging of individuals in relation to their biology and healthcare choices.

Climate Change: Long-term alterations in Earth's weather patterns, including temperature rise and shifts in rainfall, primarily caused by high levels of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases.

Governance: The process of governing, including decision-making, control, and leadership in a country, organisation, or institution.

Society: People with shared institutions and living in the same area.

Resilience: The strength to bounce back from tough situations and grow through adversity.

Community: A group of people with shared interests, living in the same area, supporting and interacting with one another.

Institution: An established organisation or system that serves a specific purpose and can influence the public opinion.

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