Contributions of Collaborative and Immersive Environments in Development a Remote Access Laboratory: From Point of View of Effectiveness in Learning

Contributions of Collaborative and Immersive Environments in Development a Remote Access Laboratory: From Point of View of Effectiveness in Learning

Ronald Zamora, Jeimy Vélez, Jose L. Villa
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0125-1.ch001
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The implementation of remote access laboratories by universities is a growing tendency. Worldwide its implementation has been carried out in different disciplines using different technologies, interfaces and protocols. In this sense, it is logical to conclude that there is no fixed methodology or standard for its implementation, which leads researchers to question its effectiveness and differentiation for learning purposes during lab work. It is equally necessary to mention the importance of using collaborative and immersive environment tools to perform lab exercises with remote access since they complement its use and application. In this chapter, is presented the contributions by the implementation of collaborative and immersive environments in the development of laboratory with remote access from the point of view of its effectiveness and differentiation in learning.
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Context And Background

The practical component is highly important in the educational and learning process since it allows the theoretical foundation to be consolidated to reinforce knowledge understanding. Furthermore, these days it is necessary that students’ learning include technology to confront and solve problems in the future. Due to this, new aspects are to be considered in this context: flexible study schedules and enough time and space for a favorable activity progress (Domínguez et al., 2006; Prada, Fuertes, Alonso, Garcia, & Dominguez, 2015).

Key Terms in this Chapter

SUMI: Software Usability Measurement Inventory.

Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology: (ABET): An organization dedicated to the international accreditation of higher education programs.

OpenSimulator: Tool to build and simulate 3D virtual environments

Virtual Education: Education through ICT tools, also called E-learning, now also called U-learning (education anywhere), still in development.

3D Virtual Platforms: Software through which users can access and interact with 3D virtual environment.

MMOG: Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

Information and Communications Technology (ICT): Often used as IT – Information Technology.

MUVE: Multi-User Virtual Environment.

3D Virtual Environment: Three-dimensional space where the physical world is represented through ICT tools.

Digital Circuits: Area of knowledge related to electronic engineering.

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