Change of the Learning Cycle After Blockchain: Chaining Trust Society

Change of the Learning Cycle After Blockchain: Chaining Trust Society

Gaye Topa Ciftci
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 38
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9478-9.ch003
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The purpose of this chapter is to create a foresight related to the role of using blockchain to meet the learning needs and how it may change learning cycle in 21st century. In this context, firstly explanation of the development of digital learning was given by describing the paradigm changes in lifelong learning activities. Learning needs of the 21st century were explained within the framework of constructivism and connectivism in terms of changes in learning tendencies. The problems encountered in the new learning tendencies were examined in the context of critical theory. Then to determine how the blockchain can respond to problems in learning, blockchain was defined, with its usage areas and the innovations it can bring to the field were interpreted. Finally learning and blockchain issues were synthesized, which are the focal point of this section, and how these can be used in learning applications, how they can respond to learning needs were discussed.
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The purpose of this chapter is; to create a foresight related to how the use of blockchain in digital learning can meet the learning needs and what kind of changes may occur in the learning cycle by blockchain. As there are blockchain applications with limited space and limited use, only studies and sample applications on this subject have been interpreted in the context of learning and communication theories.

In this context, the research questions of this study are:

  • What does the use of blockchain in digital learning change in learning habits?

  • How does the use of the blockchain in digital learning applications effect to the adult learning, formal learning and informal learning?

  • How can the use of the blockchain in digital learning applications provide a specific standard and assessment environment for informal learning?

  • How will the use of blockchain in digital learning applications affect learning theories?

In order to find answers to research questions, a narration pattern will be followed as summarized in figure 1.

Figure 1.

Chapter Plan


Key Terms in this Chapter

Professional Life: Working life.

Informational Work Force: New working class, who should be able to manipulate the information in order to exist within the network society, be able to use it in the production process by transforming it into organizational and scientific knowledge.

Learning Tendency: It is a typical or repeated learning habit, action or belief.

Chain Trust Society: Blockchain-based society.

Real Life: A person's both professional and private life which maintains in the community.

Learning Cycle: The stages of the person's professional, social and individual knowledge to return to learning.

Access to Technology: It’s not only having the technological tools, but also producing new information with that tools.

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