An Overview: Artificial Intelligence Is a New Source of Enhancing Business Performance

An Overview: Artificial Intelligence Is a New Source of Enhancing Business Performance

Aziza Chakir, Elyaagoubi Ikbal, Kamal Kant Tyagi
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0815-8.ch001
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Digital transformation and artificial intelligence (AI) are closely linked as AI is often seen as one of the main drivers of digital transformation. Digital transformation involves implementing digital technologies to transform business processes, revenue models and customer relationships. AI, on the other hand, uses algorithms to learn, reason and make decisions based on data. By integrating AI into digital transformation processes, companies can improve their operational efficiency, their capacity for innovation and their competitiveness. For example, AI can be used to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a technology that can bring many benefits in many fields, but it also presents potential risks, so business managers must know how to use this technology well.
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The current economic environment is characterized by an evolving instability of the means of production, and the behavior of households in consumption. This is due to artificial intelligence technology which is a computer system capable of performing tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as speech recognition, decision making, problem solving, learning and natural language understanding. The latter has undergone rapid development, rapidly transforming the way humans interact with the world. With advances in AI, companies have started to adopt this technology to automate repetitive tasks and reduce labor costs. This can enable businesses to increase productivity, improve efficiency and reduce costs(Chakir et al., 2021a).

However, AI can also have negative impacts on the economy, such as job loss for workers whose tasks are automated. Companies should therefore be aware of these potential impacts. Also, AI can have a significant impact on the economy by helping companies improve their efficiency, create new products and services, and stimulate economic growth. However, it is important to take into account the potential impacts of AI on employment and put in place measures to mitigate these negative effects(ANDRY et al., 2023).

The intervention of artificial intelligence in our daily lives either at the economic level or at the social level is a subject that has caused a lot of ink to flow, many experts and many reports have expressed their anxieties on the capacity of the artificial intelligence to permeate society in an irreversible way, this integration in the functioning of companies and its use in all societal life raises certain questions(Aziza &Meriyem, 2020). However, what are the likely risks of this new approach and how can you exploit it well?

This issue prompted us to answer the following questions in our chapter:

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    How can AI impact the business environment and their productivity?

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    And what is the difference between the HR department before AI and HR after AI?

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    What are the various direct and indirect, economic, human, social and individual risks that lie behind the promises of AI?

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    How can we use AI well and avoid its risks?

To answer the problem and the questions raised, we have decided to adopt a deductive approach.

This research is structured around three main parts. First, we will give an overview on artificial intelligence, then we will explain and analyze the impact of AI on companies and their productivity, and we will mention some probable changes on the human resources department after the AI intervention. For the second part, we will mention the different risks of AI, and at the third part, we will answer the main problem of our chapter.


Part One: Overview Of Ai And Its Impact On Business

Overview of AI

Artificial intelligence is a set of sciences, theories and techniques whose purpose is to perform tasks similar to the tasks that the brain of the human being can perform, while being based on an analysis of data either Business intelligence, statistics, as well as complex techniques such as Machine Learning(Chakir et al., 2020).

The first appearance of AI dates back to the 1950s, now still a young concept, except that it has always been materialized in science fiction.But from the 2000s, this innovative science has seen considerable improvement as access to massive amounts of data to generate computing power from computers now being easier than before.

By analyzing the algorithms, images and symbols, using the computer codes, it is considered a strong point for the AI to answer any question or search.

We also note that to obtain a response to the needs calling for a search, whatever their nature, we always go through some kind of chat, whether through search engines operating using some AI inputs or even the latest sorts of chat engines using nothing but the underpinnings of AI.

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