An Exploratory Research for HRD Transformation Leadership Through Crisis Supply Chain Management During the Pandemic

An Exploratory Research for HRD Transformation Leadership Through Crisis Supply Chain Management During the Pandemic

H. R. Swapna, Geetika Madaan, Aruna Kulkarni, Rashmi Darshan Mahajan, Darshan A. Mahajan, Digvijay Pandey
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3593-2.ch017
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Though crucial in normal times, transformative leadership in disasters has received scant attention. Crisis leadership has long been a key organisational function. This research seeks to explain the unexplained relationship between leadership efficacy and transformative leadership. Over time, businesses have evolved conservative, structured, and regulated methods for managing and accomplishing stakeholder goals. In contrast, a transformational environment grows faster, less predictable, and less certain than the previous 50 years. This chapter examines how pandemics are changing leadership and management. Many of today's structures and procedures were developed in the last 30 to 40 years; thus, it may not be necessary.
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Employee well-being and the connection between company employees and leaders are linked to social sustainability (Gorgenyi-Hegyes et al, 2021). Employees are regarded as the most valuable assets in companies (Fulmer & Ployhart, 2014);(Aina & Atan, 2020). Leaders, in particular, have the critical job of making this asset sustainable while also preserving and sustaining their financial holdings (Tracey, 2014); (Elrehail et al., 2020).

Since the COVID-19 (Pandey, D. et al., 2021) pandemic has swept the world, there has been no end in sight (Cooper & Nagel, 2021). Consequently, there have been social and economic consequences (Lelisho, M. E. et al., 2023). In addition to having an effect on people's health, they have had an impact on the safety of the country, economic activity, and the shift in organizational work culture (El Keshky et al., 2020). In the COVID-19 pandemic (Abdulkarim, Y. I. et al., 2023), leaders must also contend with unanticipated developments in the social and economic crises; leadership is needed to navigate these circumstances (Urick et al., 2021). In times of hardship, leaders must (1) cease to work remotely. It is enough, because production cannot be only filed what is relevant for leaders to cease. (Dolce et al,, 2020); (2) interact with ecosystems, consumers, and workers following Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and human needs (Forster, et al, 2020); (3) As leaders, they are confronted with the uncertainty of the circumstance on a personal level while guiding their team and organizations through it (Harvey et al, 2021).

Consequently, many policies emerging from the COVID-19 epidemic (Pandey, D. et al., 2020) will directly impact organizational leadership, as leaders serve as navigators for teams or organizations (Habersaat et al., 2020). Additionally, several countries used various measures, such as home-based employment programs, 14 days of self-quarantine, and the closing of national borders, to reduce the spread of COVID-19 (Abideen, Mohamad, & Hassan, 2020). These rules affect employee trust and connections, which are necessary for organizational leadership and serve as the foundation for effective social networks (Haque, 2021).

A lack of confidence between managers and workers has developed due to work-from-home policies that managers oppose (Bonacini, Gallo, and Scicchitano, 2021). As a result, managers attempt to exert more control and monitoring over workers than before to COVID-19, which causes employees to feel uneasy and develop negative emotions towards their supervisors (Kniffin et al., 2021). The lack of consultation and cooperation in leadership hinders collaboration and team bonds. The distrust in the outcome leads to a bad performance (Habersaat et al., 2020). There may be an improved relationship between each individual in the organizations, which will help the businesses become efficient (Abuhashesh, Al-Dmour, and Ed Masa'deh, 2019); (Kandampully, Zhang, & Bilgihan, 2015); (Rad & Yarmohammadian, 2006).

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