The Unknown Unknowns: Challenges, Opportunities, and Recommendations for Graduate Students from the Perspective of Postsecondary Administration

The Unknown Unknowns: Challenges, Opportunities, and Recommendations for Graduate Students from the Perspective of Postsecondary Administration

Debbie L. Hahs-Vaughn, Charles D. Dziuban, Cynthia Y. Young
DOI: 10.4018/IJAVET.2015100103
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Graduate education is influenced by trends and events that are political, economic, social, technological, and demographic. These materialize into challenges and opportunities for graduate students, an overview of these is provided in the paper along with recommendations for navigating graduate education, written from the perspective of individuals who have successfully completed graduate school, who have served (or continue to serve) in faculty positions, and who can offer advice via their roles in administration. As expressed through the paper, the opportunities outweigh the challenges, particularly if you are deliberate in your roadmap, relentless in your quest to be informed, are wise enough to know what you don't know and ask questions (lots of questions) until you know the things that were, simply, not on your horizon.
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We’ll start with the bad news first. Graduate education is a journey laden with challenges that are not unsurmountable, but challenges none-the-less. The more aware you are of these challenges, the less bumpy the road to and through graduate school. We will outline what we believe to be some of the biggest challenges in graduate education, however this is (unfortunately) not an exhaustive list.

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