Secure and Dynamic Multi-Keyword Ranked Search

Secure and Dynamic Multi-Keyword Ranked Search

M. Ambika, Mangayarkarasi N., Raghuraman Gopalsamy, L. Sai Ramesh, Kamalanathan Selvakumar
DOI: 10.4018/IJORIS.20210701.oa3
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Nowadays, information storing in third party storage is increased. Outsourcing the data to other storage device or servers which may questioned to the secure environment. However, sensitive data like medical information should need an privacy when it is stored in cloud storage. In this paper, a secure keyword search which provide the resultant data in a encrypted form where the end user can decrypt using the key given to them. It uses the Blowfish to encrypt the data and it also supports the data owner to delete or modify the content of their document. It also ensure accurate relevance score calculation between encrypted index and query vectors.
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P. Xu et al. (2013) proposed a novel concept called the Public-key Encryption with Fuzzy Keyword Search (PEFKS). It allows a third party knowing the search trapdoor of a keyword to search encrypted documents containing that keyword without decrypting the documents or knowing the keyword. M. Kuzu et al. (2012) proposed an efficient scheme for the similarity search over encrypted data. Encrypted storage protects the data against illegal access. To mitigate the concerns, sensitive data is usually outsourced in encrypted form which prevents unauthorized access.

U. Draisbach et al. (2012) proposed a system which focused on Duplicate Count Strategy (DCS) a variation of SNM that uses a varying window size. Ramesh et al. (2015) provides a secure searching of data for personalized recommendation systems for user search. D. Wagner et al. (2013) proposed the cryptographic schemes that enable searching on encrypted data without leaking any information to the untrusted server. The techniques also support query isolation, meaning that the untrusted server learns nothing more than the search result about the plaintext.

T. Papenbrock et al. (2015) proposed two novel progressive duplicate detection algorithms that significantly increase the efficiency of finding duplicates if the execution time is limited. Duplication removal is the main strategy of this work which partitioned the data into chunking and delete the duplicate files. K. Deng et al. (2015) proposed a system that, the objects in a spatial database are associated with keyword(s) to indicate their services. The great advantage of this work is to investigate the search based on the closest keywords.

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