Intelligent Wildlife Tracking Using Ubiquitous Technological Suite

Intelligent Wildlife Tracking Using Ubiquitous Technological Suite

Mayur Sunil Jawalkar, Nayan Desale, Fanil Suratwala, Amol Lamkhade, Parikshit N. Mahalle, Poonam N. Railkar
Copyright: © 2017 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/IJSE.2017010104
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This paper proposes an intelligent system to track location of an individual animal or animals in wildlife sanctuary. Existing systems makes use of various technologies such as RFID, GPS, GSM, etc. RFID based systems either lack in range if passive tags are used or lack in cost effectiveness if active tags are used. Similarly, GSM based system becomes costlier and requires constant network connectivity. Hence this paper proposes a Wi-Fi based tracking system. Proposed system makes use of ubiquitous technology which encourages the use of Wi-Fi Transceivers. The Stationary Wi-Fi Transceiver consists of ESP8266 NodeMCU development board which detects the Mobile Transceiver. The Mobile Transceiver consists of ESP8266 NodeMCU attached to animals. The Stationary Wi-Fi transceiver detects Mobile Transceivers under its vicinity and sends the data to other Stationary transceiver through hop based transmission and ultimately the data is stored in the database. The mobile application accesses the location information from the database for particular animal and plots it onto the Map. This paper comprises of system architecture, proposed algorithm and mathematical model.
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The motive behind this idea is to design a system that covers maximum flaws of the existing systems in regards of the efficiency, power consumption, weight, range factors, low maintenance as well as cost effectiveness. The existing systems makes use of GPS or GSM technologies. Also, some systems are implemented with RFID technologies. But few flaws are observed while thinking of these systems. GPS-GSM based system requires constant network connectivity which increase the power consumption of the system. Such kind of functionality requires heavy hardware which increases the weight of the device mounted on animals. It also increases the cost of the system. Some systems make use of GSM network to transmit the GPS coordinates. These systems are weather dependent which fails to track the location of animals in harsh environment. GPS based systems requires considerable field efforts. Systems based on RFID based transmissions have low range and requires line of sight which is again impractical to use in sanctuaries. One major flaw can be enlisted as lack of user friendly application to track animals. Also, many existing systems lack in efficient data retrievals. Hence to overcome all these flaws this paper proposes an intelligent system to track wildlife animals.

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