Information Prescription and Information Therapy: Practicing Medicine in the Information Age

Information Prescription and Information Therapy: Practicing Medicine in the Information Age

Riddhi Doshi
Copyright: © 2013 |Pages: 3
DOI: 10.4018/ijudh.2013040110
(Individual Articles)
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Gavgani et al., through their systematic review, explore the existing evidence in the area of information prescription and information therapy. The application of Information prescription and information therapy has been explored in a number of developed countries through randomized trials and observational studies. The low awareness about these concepts among medical practitioners has been highlighted. This commentary highlights the routes for IP/Ix dissemination and its application in current medical practice.
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Information Prescription And Information Therapy In Current Medical Practice

Patient education has been shown to be associated with improved health outcomes, particularly in chronic health conditions like diabetes (Ellis et al., 2004). While Information prescription and information therapy are covered under the broader concept of health education, the awareness about the differences in these concepts among practicing physicians is low. Information prescription is provision of specific, evidence-based information to patients by healthcare providers to assist them manage their health. Information therapy, on the other hand, is provision of a specific scientific literature to patients to empower them to make treatment related decisions. Though the definitions of these concepts seem to differ marginally, there is a major difference between their applications. In their systematic review, Gavgani and Shokraneh present the existing body of evidence regarding information therapy and information prescription and emphasize the need for further research in this area. The review identified232 relevant abstracts and after review of full text found 18 articles that evaluated the application of information prescription, information Rx and Information therapy. Only six of the 18 studies were randomized control trials and all of them were performed in the United States. The other 12 studies were observational studies primarily evaluating the perceptions and attitudes towards information prescription and information therapy.

The early research efforts in this area are focused on understanding the patient satisfaction. However, there are no trials evaluating the impact of these interventions on the subsequent health outcomes on the patients. Almost half the studies involved measures determining providers’ attitudes towards Information prescription.

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