Improving Big Data Analytics With Interactive Augmented Reality

Improving Big Data Analytics With Interactive Augmented Reality

Sumit Arun Hirve, Pradeep Reddy C. H.
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 11
DOI: 10.4018/IJISMD.315124
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Since, data is generated every minute by everyone including consumers and/or business worldwide, there is an enormous worth for big data analytics. Big data analytics is a technique for extracting important information from large amounts of a data. Visualization is the best medium to analyze and share information. Visual images help to transmit bid data to the human brain within a few seconds. Visual interpretations help in visualizing data from different angles. Visualization helps to outline problems and understand current trends. Augmented reality enables the user to experience the real world, which is digitally augmented in a way. The main objective of this research work is to find the solution to visualize the analyzed data and show it to the users in a 3D view and to improve the angle of visualization with the help of augmented reality techniques.
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The primary focus is on big data visualizations displayed through augmented reality and the importance of big data analytics using the Tableau business intelligence tool. The visualizations obtained with the same tool are showcased in section 4. Data generation has gained momentum since the outburst of social media platforms. The rate of data generation has become more significant than data processing. This shift caused technology such as big data Analysis to immerge in a short period. The approach helped organizations categorize and organize data so that the results concluded improved market analysis and economic growth. But some contradicting issues were unable to solve just with the perspective of distinguishing the data. That is when the visualization came into the picture. The visualizing techniques introduced a perspective switch that made information much more comprehensive. Somehow, the visualization could not tap into the hyper-dimensional view of the data. To get more knowledge from the datasets, many big data tools and technologies are available in the market for performing computations on massive data. The tools help the data analysts or scientists clean, process and transform the data. The big guys in the market, such as Hadoop, NoSQL databases, Map Reduce, YARN, and Spark, are available to perform end to end big data analytics. Apart from the tools and technologies, Tableau is a business intelligence tool popularly known for computing data analytics, extensive data handling and interconnectivity with the databases for data extraction. Tableau is the best for sharing data insights, self-service visual analysis and embedding data insights into web applications. In this paper, the use of Tableau for performing big data analytics on the sample bigmart dataset is done and input of data analytics is fed to the AR application designed in the Unity IDE engine.

Human mind procedures and recalls data better when seen in the graphical arrangement when contrasted with printed groups. Imagined data helps speed with increasing the investigation. What's more, while investigating a lot of information, there is a massive amount of data produced at big organizations and requires accurate analysis visualization (Wang, L et al, 2015; M. A. Defeyter et al, 2009). some innovative approaches are needed to visualize big data due to its complexity (E. Olshannikova, 2015). Along with improvisations and additions in the various business-related curriculums, the employment world looks into every candidate who possesses the right approach to data visualization.

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