Impact of Cryptographic Key on Scalable Computing

Impact of Cryptographic Key on Scalable Computing

Padma Lochan Pradhan
DOI: 10.4018/IJSPPC.313046
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The research has contributed to the development of the cryptographic control on the proposed RTS that aims to determine the high-performance computing at optimal cost and time to be invested into dynamic cryptographic control that decides on the major components of real-time operating system resources. Furthermore, the mechanism optimizes the cost, and resources are supposed to optimize the operating system risks. We have to optimize the technology and resource cost and maximizes the productivity and business (throughput) while improving the high performance of the operating system as per business requirement for the multiple locations. This proposed cryptographic control on the real-time system provides high computational services around the clock. The objective should be defined in such a way that the processor, memory, and encryption key are always utilized at minimal cost with high availability of data and services as per business and resource management.
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1. Introduction

At these cloud days, increasing the high demands of clients, businesses, computers, and communications systems by IT industries has increased the insecurity and risk of theft of proprietary data. Real-time operating system control and audits are a primary method of protecting system resources (Processor, Memory, SSH, and Encryption Key). System controls are the most important aspect of communications security and becoming increasingly important as IT security. The preventive control P) is inversely proportional to the risk® and meanwhile, the cryptographic key(Ek) is directly proportional to the quality of standard (QoS). The cryptographic key management and SSH key for generating, storing, archiving, retrieving, distributing, retiring, and destroying keys over a large complex Real-time OS affecting other main and sub-components, when a large group of customers accessing the same services simultaneously.

At the operating system level, the machine consists of millions of chips, each capable of testing a million (Ek) keys per second, such a machine could test 2^563 keys in 20 hours(Stalling, 2017). It is easy to design a machine with a million parallel processors, each working independently of the others. The encryption key(256) length sizes depend on Memory, Control, Arithmetic unit, Processor, etc. to perform the functionalities of the operating system(David, 2021). The operating system control is the process to address vulnerabilities in operation systems by implementing the current version of OS patches, hotfixes, and updates and the procedures, processes, and policies to reduce attacks and system time meanwhile increase the throughput of the system(Das, 2017). The PC of the operating systems is the first step towards safeguarding systems from intrusion, workstations, applications; networks and servers typically arrive from the vendor, installed with a multitude of development tools and utilities, which although beneficial to the user, also provide potential back-door access to the systems(David, Mano,2017). The cryptographic control (hardening) of an operating system involves the removal of all non-essential tools, technology, utilities, and other systems programmer options, any of which could be used to ease a hacker's path to our system

Figure 1.

Workflow and Framework of Cryptographic Control


Now a day, security is the top priority of every organization. In this present twenty-first century, there is a high growth of the business, resources, and technology through uncertainty, unordered, unsafe, and unauthorized users to full fill of complex demands of sophisticated society all the time and every time. System security is the sets of tools, technologies, processes, and practices designed to prevent, detect & correct the networks, computers, programs, data, and services from attack, damage, or unauthorized user access. Most IT organization is growing with large numbers of users, vendor, order, customer, and shares taker available to facilitate the IT infrastructure around the globe. At the same time, frequent increasing the many more new technology to full fill of the customer and user needs. Meanwhile, increasing the hardware, software capability of super scalar real-time operating system (MIMD) and infrastructure (n-bit processor & number of CPU, Memory)(Kai, 2017).

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