Hubble's Expanding Universe: a Model for Quality in Technology Infused engineering and Technology Education

Hubble's Expanding Universe: a Model for Quality in Technology Infused engineering and Technology Education

Judith Parker
DOI: 10.4018/IJQAETE.2016040102
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Until Edwin Hubble's discoveries in 1924, astronomers thought that our Milky Way galaxy was the entire universe. Hubble provided a model of a larger universe beyond our galaxy and an expanding universe. Since then the Hubble telescope has allowed us to view galaxies farther and farther away and introduce ideas beyond our comprehension nearly a century ago. This seems an appropriate model for the expanding universe of learning that is provided by technology. Technology has provided us with an expanding view of our individual and collective universe of engineering and technology education. It has provided expanded access to information and increased opportunities for communication. Our learning communities can span our neighborhood, field of interest and the globe. However, just as Hubble's expanded universe brought challenges to astronomy, the expanded access to education comes with challenges in assuring quality.
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Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework for this paper will include theories about our physical universe developed by astronomers and theories about our educational universe developed by educators. The current theories about our universe developed in the early 1900’s through the discoveries of Edwin Hubble while those in education began with adult educators during a similar period and continued with Knowles and others.

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