Examination of the Impact of Patient Engagement Tools on Patient Satisfaction

Examination of the Impact of Patient Engagement Tools on Patient Satisfaction

Lesley Clack, Bhoomica Nagi
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 10
DOI: 10.4018/IJPCH.2020010103
(Individual Articles)
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The healthcare system has experienced a rapid advancement in technology over the past few decades, which has led to an increased focus on patient engagement and satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between patient engagement tools and the level of patient satisfaction. A secondary data analysis was conducted to determine if a relationship exists between patient satisfaction and use of patient engagement tools. Findings revealed that patient portals were equally accessible to patients (83%) regardless of the institution's patient satisfaction rating. However, more advanced engagement tools, such as online scheduling of appointments, were more commonly found in hospitals with higher patient satisfaction ratings. While the availability, knowledge, interest, and age of the patient play an important role, patient engagement tools were found to be positively linked to patient satisfaction.
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Why have patient satisfaction and patient engagement become a topic of interest for healthcare organizations? Engaged, empowered patients were included as one of seven characteristics of an effective, efficient, and continuously improving health systems in the 2012 Institute of Medicine report, “Best Care at Lower Cost: The Path to Continuously Learning Health Care in America.” This focus is also in part due to research that has shown that patient satisfaction and quality outcomes are improved when patients are actively engaged in their health care (Barello, Graffigna, Vegni, & Bosio, 2014). According to Pew research, 1 in 20 google searches are for health-related information. In addition, 72 percent of internet users seek online health information, which affirms that patients are seeking information online that they might not be getting from their providers (Pew Research Center, 2013). Therefore, one can ascertain that patient engagement is a vital tool for patient satisfaction.

In addition to this, research conducted by the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) has shown that satisfaction rates are higher in patients who are more engaged in their health care decisions than those who are not (HIMSS, 2017). Health care providers are focusing on increasing patient engagement by implementing the newest technology, such as patient portals. E-health tools have been recognized to have a significant impact in promoting patient engagement (Barello et al, 2016). E-health tools include secure Internet portals, patient-provider secure e-mail messaging, personal health records, personal monitoring devices, mobile health apps, and internet-based resources for health education, information, advice, and peer support (Ricciardi et al, 2013).

In addition, prior research has suggested that patients like to see their health records, so they can better understand their treatment plans (Giardina et al, 2014). Research has shown that use of patient engagement tools can lead to improved communication between patients and physicians, which can produce improved health outcomes (Dykes et al, 2017). When they have a thorough understanding, they are more likely to adhere to those treatment plans. Therefore, the purpose of this research study is to examine patient satisfaction data along with existing literature to determine the effectiveness of patient engagement tools in enhancing patient satisfaction. More specifically, we hope to determine whether patient engagement tools are effective in engaging patients, if patient engagement tools impact patient satisfaction, and which patient engagement tools are best for improving patient satisfaction.

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