Energy Performance of Renewable Technologies: LR of PV Panels With Analysis of Their Efficiency in Relation to Internal and External Factors

Energy Performance of Renewable Technologies: LR of PV Panels With Analysis of Their Efficiency in Relation to Internal and External Factors

Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/IJEOE.2020100103
(Individual Articles)
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The application of renewable technologies and in particular solar photovoltaic (PV) market has grown rapidly throughout the past 15 years worldwide. Despite the market growth, one of the main factors limiting the application of PV panels is the degradation issue or power decline over time, highlighting the need of further studies on degradation rate and reliability assessment to predict panel life expectancy, economic values and financial risks. PV panels behave differently under certain conditions, and energy production of panels varies not only with the capacity of the system but also with the type of modules in panel. Researchers have also studied how different modules/panels perform for long periods of time, when exposed out in the field. In this article, a literature review of PV panel performance over time was accumulated from different resources to identify the sources of uncertainty about their performance, reliability, and durability under internal and external factors. The results show that both the internal factors such as cell interconnect breakages alongside external ones such as the sunlight, temperature change or dirt accumulation were determined to be the primary causes for the power loss and reduced energy generation in the PV panels and highlights further research in this area.
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Photovoltaic Technology

Solar energy has become a mature and mainstream source of electricity where the photovoltaic (PV) industry has experienced remarkable growth over the past decade worldwide not only in rural but also in urban areas (Kaldellis and Kokala 2010). PV industry has already exceeded the 100 GW installed capacity range in 2012 with approximately 25% in residential applications (De La Tour, Glachant et al., 2011). Germany is the leading country with lead the installation of 7.6 GW in 2012 following by China with 3.5 to 4.5 GW (Jäger-Waldau, 2012) and US with 3.2 GW is the fourth in the world (Jäger-Waldau, 2012).

Despite the growth in the installation range, one of the main factors limiting the application of PV industry is the relatively low conversion efficiency of PV cells (Kaldellis and Kokala, 2010). In order to apply PV technologies as a commercially feasible approach, high attention needs to be given to the factors affecting their energy performance (Brinkworth and Sandberg, 2006; Raugei and Frankl, 2009). Figure 1 presents the process in the generation of energy by PV modules.

Figure 1.

Overview of solar PV power plant, reprinted from (Corporation, 2012), with permission


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