Critical Review on the Impact of ICT Among Undergraduate Students

Critical Review on the Impact of ICT Among Undergraduate Students

C.G. Sijimol
DOI: 10.4018/IJBDCN.341805
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Speedy scientific and technological growths, particularly in the area of information and communication technology (ICT), are generating novel conditions in learning and it imposes a transformation in a modernized society. ICT is helpful in converting varied sectors like banking, transportation, education, manufacturing, health, employment, and so on. Its amalgamation with the learning system has brought up an innovative renovation by offering a flexible environment of education. This survey makes a critical analysis of about 65 papers regarding the impact of ICT on undergraduate students. More particularly, varied performance measures that are contributed in diverse articles are analyzed. In addition, a comprehensive study is made regarding the maximal performances in each contribution. Lastly, the survey extends with the determination of varied research challenges, which might be productive for the analysts to endorse enhanced upcoming works on the impact of ICT among undergraduate students.
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1. Introduction

Technology has paved the way for several amendments in several school trainings. Teachers were the most important troupes in the introduction of these amendments in daily classroom practices. So as to aid lecturer’s usage of technology, training on educational technology has turned out to be essential (Kim, 2012; Adesemowo et al. 2017; Patiar et al. 2017). Nevertheless, this causes demands in recognizing the constraints, which influence the implementation of technology and the creation of practicable solutions for integrating sustainable technologies into education practices. Speedy scientific and technological growths, particularly in the area of ICT, are generating new stipulations in teaching and inflict a transformation on the role of conventional schools in response to novel human requirements and demands of modernized society (Woreta et al. 2013; Nketiah-Amponsah et al. 2017; Charles and Issifu, 2015).

“ICT is defined as Technological devices (hardware and software) that allow editing, producing, storing, exchange and transmitting data between different information systems that have common protocols (Couceiro et al. 2013; Odunola and Tella, 2020). These applications, which integrate computer media, telecommunications and networks, enable both interpersonal (person-to-person) and multidirectional (one-to-many or many-to-many) communication and collaboration (Bankole and Nasir, 2020; McGill et al. 2014). These tools play a substantive role in the generation, exchange, diffusion, management and access to knowledge”. ICT is turning out to be ever more relevant and significant in every area of societal life, predominantly in education.

The gaps among research and practices complicate the appliance of useful and insightful educational research in everyday education practice. Even though every attempt was made to recognize both inhibiting and contributing factors of technology usage, educators are often opposed and reluctant to adopt technology in their classrooms, and their overall ability to make effectual usage of technology is less. By the way, numerous obstructions were recognized as to “why little impact has been made on the use of ICTs in higher education teaching and learning in some institutions” (Trushell et al. 2013; Goktas and Demirel, 2012).

The major contribution of this review is given below.

  • 1.

    Analyzed 68 research publications to conduct a review on the effect of ICT on undergraduate students.

  • 2.

    Offers a thorough analysis of the different approaches used in each paper under examination.

  • 3.

    Evaluates the performance metrics in every article that has been reviewed.

The structure of this paper is as follows: Section 2 lists relevant ICT-related studies completed by undergraduate students. It is preferable for section 3 to include a thorough analysis of a range of approaches. In Section 4, the performance metrics evaluation is depicted. In addition, Section 5 describes the challenges, and Section 6 presents the conclusion.

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