Content and Popularity-Based Music Recommendation System

Content and Popularity-Based Music Recommendation System

Mamata Garanayak, Suvendu Kumar Nayak, Sangeetha K., Tanupriya Choudhury, Shitharth S.
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/ijismd.315027
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The future of many modern technologies includes machine learning and deep learning methodologies. One of the prominent applications of these technologies is the recommender system. Due to the rapid growth of the songs in digital formats, the searching and managing of songs has become a great problem. In this study, the authors developed a recommender system using popularity and rhythm content of the song. The studies compared various techniques to improve the robustness and minimal error of the system. The authors will mostly focus on content-based, popularity-based, and collaborative-based filtering algorithms and also try to combine them using a hybrid approach. The authors utilized MAE for comparing the several procedures implemented here for the recommendation. Out of all procedures used, SVD performed well with MAE of 1.60 while KNN didn't perform that well as the authors had fewer features of song with mean absolute error of 2.212. User-relied and item-relied prototypes performed the best with MAE of 0.931 and 0.629.
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Every day peoples have to deal with many decisions like which type of cloth to buy to wear, which things to collect and what type of song to play to listen? Therefore we exponentially depend on recommender process to build options. As enormous amounts of information are present in internet sources, one person has billions of choices to pick out from. This is an extensive provocation to give suggestion to persons from the huge information accessible from the internet. Amazon, eBay furnish recommendations relied on personalization to customers relied on their flavour and the past. In addition, different houses such as Spotify (Ciocca, 2017), Pandora makes use of ML procedures to come up with relevant recommendations.

Most of the people in the world considered the listening of music as a very likable aspect of their living style and they engaged in listen to song frequently as an activity. Listing the song is more often as compared to any other activities such as reading story books, watching cinema and watching TV. From customer to customer the likability of the songs are also different, thus the several approaches that are designed previously cannot able to reach the customer’s requirements. The emotion relied prototype was built to solve this problem which is relied on mood of the customer as well as the context relied prototype was built which is relied on contextual data such as playlist, review of the songs, and the comments given by the customers which does not fully fulfill the customer’s requirements. The development of hybrid recommendation system for songs are also it its beginning stage. Now a day, the most difficult part is to manage and organize the trillions of song’s title produced by the musicians or the producers. Genre classification, identification of artist and recognition of the instruments problems can be solved by using the MIR technique. The MIREX, one of the annual evaluation events is conducted to provide the developments of MIR procedures. Based on the hearing behavior and previous ratings given by people, it has been found that the CF procedures perform well.

The feature of song is universal as well as subjective. The songs not only deliver emotion but also it can change the people’s mood. The choices of songs are different from customer to customer, thus the procedure described above cannot meet the customer’s requirements every time.

Here, the authors will focus on implementing a recommendation process relied on personalization by utilizing user’s past. The authors have attempted out different procedures to create effectual recommendation procedure. Here first the authors’ implemented prototype relied on popularity which is extremely easy and not personalized but followed up by CF and content relied filtering which give recommendations based on personalization relied on past which are most common ones. The authors will also implement a combined procedure in which the authors integrate both CF and content procedures to obtain correct accuracy and for getting the better of disadvantages of two categories.

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